View Full Version : Had some scrap wood ....

Stan Mijal
01-21-2007, 9:15 PM
Had some scrap cut offs from making some tapered legs for a couple of tables. I was killing some time playing with the scrap peces when I saw something I could do with them. Out came the Titebond II and here's the result.

Jim Becker
01-21-2007, 9:16 PM
Great idea, Stan!!! Not your run-of-the-mill board!

Stan Mijal
01-21-2007, 9:18 PM
It reminds me of a blackgammon board, but I liked the geometric design!

John Schreiber
01-21-2007, 10:09 PM
Very nice. If that's what you can do with scrap, you must be pretty good.

Jon Shively
01-21-2007, 10:25 PM
Now cut it diagonally and sell for pen blanks!

Stan Mijal
01-22-2007, 10:48 AM

The luck to come up with this was more a lark than any attributable skill. Just lucked out this time! Thanks for the complement though.

Very nice. If that's what you can do with scrap, you must be pretty good.

Dan Forman
01-22-2007, 5:06 PM
It looks great, but I'm trying to work out the wood movement implications. Though each individual segment won't expand appreciably, as a group they will, and it would seem that the end pieces don't allow for that to happen, since it appears to be the reverse of a breadboard end. Can someone clear this up for me?


Kristian Wild
01-22-2007, 6:38 PM
That's really nice Stan. Although I think Dan raised a valid concern. As the boards expand width wise they will likely pull apart the joints on the corners. It's like a rail and stile door with a panel that has no extra room to move. Hopefully I'm wrong and you accounted for this in some way that I'm missing.:o

Stan Mijal
01-22-2007, 8:21 PM
You are probably right about lengthwise expansion and the boxed-in ends. really did not give it much thought. This will be one of those "time will tell" projects. I guess I could always rip the side and end boarders off and re-do them so it has more freedom to expand. (althogh if the lengthwise expansion were to be significant, wouldn't the joints between the walnut outer perimeter pieces open up? Sounds like it might be a problem either way. Any comments from those with more experience?

Stan Mijal
01-22-2007, 8:25 PM
Since it was just a "throw togetheroject out of scraps, I really didn't give much of any consideration to movement. I can see your point, although if the walnut boarder were to be constructed with the joints turned 90 degrees (like breadboard ends) it would seem that there would still be a potential problem for expansion and opening of the boarder joints when the wood expands. Would there be any way to keep a boarder and control movement?

Keith Starosta
01-22-2007, 9:16 PM
Had some scrap cut offs from making some tapered legs for a couple of tables. I was killing some time playing with the scrap peces when I saw something I could do with them. Out came the Titebond II and here's the result.

That's what caught my eye. I should BE so lucky as to be able to kill time using my tools.... :rolleyes:

Beautiful board, Stan!!!!

- Keith

Dan Forman
01-22-2007, 10:44 PM
Stan---Wood doesn't expand appreciably along its length, but does mainly across the width of the grain. A breadboard end is a joint designed to allow that to happen. Here is a link which will explain it better. http://www.taunton.com/finewoodworking/SkillsAndTechniques/SkillsAndTechniquesAllAbout.aspx?id=2978

Since you have a good amount of length to spare, it might not be a bad idea to lop off the ends and redo with a breadboard joint. There is no guarantee the joints will fail (but I suspect they will), but if they do, it will be harder at that time to match the new pieces, finish and such.
