View Full Version : Machine Paint Colors

Rob Will
01-20-2007, 5:00 PM
Does anybody know of a web link that shows some paint colors that would be good for machine tools? I'm thinking about painting all of my machines with complimentary colors but not matching. Not too vibrant and possibly could use a touch of metallic. Can handle any paint system.

So have you seen a family of colors that you think would work.

Please don't make me ask my wife.......or my planer will be the same color as the bathroom.



lou sansone
01-20-2007, 5:03 PM
what about OWWM site and take a look at the historic colors of the machines ?

Tom Quatsoe
01-20-2007, 5:29 PM
The best choice is white. Before you move on to the next post, hear me out. It brightens the shop, meaning, the lumens in the shop will actually increase without adding lights. It is easier to see if there is anything going wrong with the machine, meaning any grease, metal finds, etc. will show up the best with white, which will allow you to fix problems before they become bigger problems or safety problems. White equipment tends to get cleaned up more frequently because the dirt doesn't 'hide'. There is even a bit of wow factor when someone comes into the shop and sees that you maintain equipment in this fashion. The white color on Mini Max equipment is what probably tipped the scale in their direction for me. Finally, step into most any world class manufacturing company today and white is the most standard color for equipment. A lot of people flinch when they here this, but it really does make a more enjoyable experience. If you can't handle pure white, I would get an cool white, one with a small touch of gray or blue in it. Good luck.

Jim Becker
01-20-2007, 6:42 PM
I also have a preference for white or ivory...and one of the reasons outside of just personal preference is the lighting aspects that Tom brings up. That said, there are some nice colors available in the "hammered" finishes that could be complimentary as you wish as well as having interesting qualities from "texture".