View Full Version : Speaking of Sycamore

Brad Hammond
01-19-2007, 3:40 PM
i finally got the drivers loaded up for my camera so maybe i'll give it a go at posting a bowl i turned out last week.
this is sycamore. it's 5" wide by 2" deep. sorry for the quality of the pic. i couldn't get it focused in very good. i guess i'll just have to turn some more and practice the whole pic thing.
thanx for the advice on my prior thread about scooping the inside of a bowl! gonna experiment with some different techniques today.:)

Mark Pruitt
01-19-2007, 3:50 PM
About the pic, could you possibly be placing the camera too close to the piece? If your camera has a zoom feature, there is usually a mimimum recommended distance when zooming. I like to use high resolution, then crop and compress the picture. Another thing I've learned to do is to use my camera's delay feature. It's easier to hold it rock-steady when you're not also pressing a button. I also bought a $10 mini tripod for my camera which I use all the time.

BTW, nice job on the bowl. I've not gotten my hands on any sycamore but hope to find some someday.

Brad Hammond
01-19-2007, 3:55 PM
thanx mark! i tripod would definetly help. i've never been happy with this little dig camera. i got it really cheap with all the kmarts were shutting down a couple of years ago.
i still take loads of pics with my nikon f4...... the old standby.

thanx for the advice! will do!

Brett Baldwin
01-19-2007, 4:00 PM
I think you're right Brad, you need more picture taking practice. Your assignment for this coming week is a hollow-form, a bowl, a christmas ornament, and several pens so that you can practice your picture taking on a variety shapes and sizes. Three views of each piece will be sufficient.;)

I like the bowl. That looks like an excellent one for a candy/nut dish or a sundries bowl on a hall table. It is just begging to be filled with something.

Brad Hammond
01-19-2007, 4:02 PM
lil better?

Andy Hoyt
01-19-2007, 4:28 PM
Much better. Nice work!

Ernie Nyvall
01-19-2007, 10:05 PM
Nice bowl Brad.

Bernie Weishapl
01-19-2007, 10:18 PM
Bowl is a beauty Brad.

Tom Sherman
01-20-2007, 8:16 AM
Yeah that bowl is nice looking forward to more.