View Full Version : Natural Edge Winged Bowl

Jim Ketron
01-18-2007, 4:36 PM
This is the Hard Maple bowl that I have the video clips of me roughing out on my flyingcurls web site. I finaly got around to finishing it!
This is what I call a Limb Burl, these pieces usualy have some outstanding figure in them, the only problem is most of the time there is not enough wood covering the void that is inside the knot. Luckly this one had plenty of wood covering the damaged area and Im pleased with its outcome.
It has some uniqe looking figure inside the bowl and on the bottom, it has a small inclusion and some wild figure radiating from it.
It is the largest of this type of bowl that I have done.
Measures 18 5/8" Long X 10" wide the bowl inside the wings is 6 3/4" and has an overall hight of 3 3/8". Finish is Gel Poly and Buffed.
Critiques Welcomed!




Dario Octaviano
01-18-2007, 4:40 PM

Another inspiring piece ;)

Paul Engle
01-18-2007, 4:42 PM
Nice piece Jim, I will have to try on a walnut limb that I have , but I fear for the bark :eek: :eek: .Excellent finish and form. You really got the wild grain comin and goin!!!:D

Keith Burns
01-18-2007, 4:46 PM
Jim, Jim, Jim, I am left speechless ! Great piece:) :)

Alex Cam
01-18-2007, 4:50 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again -- you just don't stop, do you? Amazing piece.

Tom Sherman
01-18-2007, 5:14 PM
Now that is awsome, a lot of figure in that bowl Jim.

Bill Wyko
01-18-2007, 5:31 PM
Jim, thats one good lookin piece of work. Very unique design. You all never cease to amaze me. 2 months ago I thought a lathe made table legs . Now it seems you can make just about anything. The skys truly the limit. Nice job.

Mark Pruitt
01-18-2007, 5:38 PM
An amazing piece indeed! Seems like I'm always asking this question, but, how is this piece oriented with reference to the log? Is the pith in the center of the bowl?:confused:

Neal Addy
01-18-2007, 5:54 PM
That's a beauty, Jim. Great wood and perfectly executed.

Gordon Seto
01-18-2007, 5:59 PM

Great pieces. Begging for more. Would like to see the underside also.


Jonathon Spafford
01-18-2007, 6:35 PM
That is a beauty Jim... I saw the video's on your website a while back and I really enjoyed them. You sure have done that wood proud!!! Cool bowl!!!!

John Hart
01-18-2007, 6:41 PM
Wow!!! I've been wondering what happened to the video star. Incredible looking piece Mr Ketron.:)

Bernie Weishapl
01-18-2007, 6:43 PM
That is beautiful Ken. Love the form and finish. Nice job.

Travis Stinson
01-18-2007, 7:13 PM
Awesome piece Jim! I love the wonderful curl and starburst figuring it has. Well worth the wait! :cool:

Steve Schlumpf
01-18-2007, 7:21 PM
Once again you have created an amazing piece! Lots to look at with grain running every direction! Really nice form and a great finish!

Excellent work Jim!

Rich Stewart
01-18-2007, 7:56 PM
I guess you ARE happy with it. That thing is beautiful. Nice job.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-18-2007, 8:19 PM
Jim..........You just keep amazing us! Beautiful!

Christopher Zona
01-18-2007, 8:30 PM
How would you balance the work piece?

Ernie Nyvall
01-18-2007, 8:53 PM
Great looking piece Jim.

Pat Doble
01-18-2007, 8:55 PM
Another beautiful piece Jim. I love the full round form of the bowl. Great job on a wonderful piece of wood.

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
01-18-2007, 9:21 PM
It gets exciting turning thin air, doesn't it?

Jim Becker
01-18-2007, 9:58 PM
One wingie-dingie...two....err...NICE!!!

Bruce Shiverdecker
01-18-2007, 10:16 PM
Gettin' too good for me, Jim. Simply Lovely!!!


Curt Fuller
01-18-2007, 10:17 PM
Jim, that's a beauty. But what do you lock the brakes on your lathe with so it doesn't try to take off when that propeller starts spinning.

That sure makes for some interesting grain and figure.

Kevin McPeek
01-18-2007, 11:02 PM
Wow, thats uhh, yeah Wow. Thats a very inspiring and humbling piece. Great eye to pick the bowl out of the blank the way you did.

Barry Stratton
01-19-2007, 2:54 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: WOW :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Ed Scolforo
01-19-2007, 6:14 AM
Outstanding, Jim!!

Jim Ketron
01-20-2007, 12:03 AM
Thanks all for the complements!

An amazing piece indeed! Seems like I'm always asking this question, but, how is this piece oriented with reference to the log? Is the pith in the center of the bowl?:confused:
Good question Mark! This bowl is a slab cut off the side of the tree from an old knot where a limb has started and broken off at some point and time. The tree has grown enough to cover the hole back up and this is the hard part, finding one that has enough wood that covers the hole to make a bowl. So really there is no pith in a piece like this for it has rotted away.

Christopher ZonaHow would you balance the work piece?

Christopher, you can't balance it, the lathe just has to be large and heavy enough to handle turning an out of balance piece.

Joash Boyton
01-20-2007, 2:48 AM
Beautifull piece;)

Glenn Hodges
01-20-2007, 8:19 AM
Jim, this is a beauty, and you show me you have some kind of guts.

Mark Cothren
01-20-2007, 5:25 PM
Jim, this has got to be some of your best work to date... just fantastic... and it looks pretty good on the cover of WoW, too...:cool: Congrats!

Travis Stinson
01-20-2007, 5:36 PM
Don't it though! Well done Jim. :D

John Miliunas
01-20-2007, 5:39 PM
Jim, there's just no way I can add to what's already been said! Magnificent. Just truly magnificent, dooooood! :) :cool:

Jeff Moffett
01-20-2007, 8:55 PM
Jim, that's a beautiful bowl and I really enjoyed watching your videos. How do you finish the bottom of a piece like this? Vacuum chuck?

Jim Ketron
01-20-2007, 9:41 PM
Thanks again all!

Jim, that's a beautiful bowl and I really enjoyed watching your videos. How do you finish the bottom of a piece like this? Vacuum chuck?
You bet Jeff, I use the Vac chuck when ever permissible!

John Chandler
01-20-2007, 10:06 PM
Very nice looking and interesting. You did a great job.

Neal Addy
01-21-2007, 1:41 AM
Congrats on the WoW cover, Jim. Well deserved!

Jim VanBramer
01-21-2007, 6:54 PM
I'm currently working on a project very similar to this one, and the videos Jim has on flyingcurls.com have been invaluable. What I'm trying to find out from someone here that's more computer savvy than I is if there's a way to download his videos so you don't have to do that every time you want to watch them. It's beyond my knowledge, and Jim said the same thing. Can anyone out there give us a hand?? Thanks.

Jeff Moffett
01-21-2007, 11:27 PM
...is if there's a way to download his videos so you don't have to do that every time you want to watch them. It's beyond my knowledge, and Jim said the same thing. Can anyone out there give us a hand?? Thanks.

Jim's videos appear to be streaming QuickTime movies. I believe you have to have QuickTime Pro to save the source file. If you right click on the video, you should see a menu option called "Save as QuickTime Movie". This is a Pro version feature that does not come with the freeware version. The Windows Pro version is about $30 from Apple.

Quinn McCarthy
01-22-2007, 9:04 AM
Awsome job Jim.

I really like the video clips on your web site. Thnaks for letting us share how you did it.
