View Full Version : China Cabinet

Jim Morrow
02-26-2003, 11:13 PM
This is what happens when your wife looks over your shoulder when you are looking at one of your woodworking mags. You hear those words, "Hey honey could you build me one of those." You can't say no, how would you explain all those tools you bought.
Anyway it was a fun project. It's make out of maple with Birch plywood (the painted part). It's finished with 3 coats of Poly.
Thanks for looking,

Steve Roxberg
02-26-2003, 11:19 PM
So, you forgot to tell us what new tool you needed to complete the project?

John Miliunas
02-26-2003, 11:23 PM
Yup, LOML had just walked away from standing next to me, right when I clicked on your post. If she'd have seen that, it'd be on my list, too! 'Course, not sure if my execution would come close to your version! Very nicely done, Jim!!!:cool:

Bob Lasley
02-26-2003, 11:40 PM
The blue paint on the panels and the back give it a nice warm country look. I like it.


Tom Sweeney
02-26-2003, 11:59 PM
I like the "country look" :cool:

Todd Burch
02-27-2003, 12:25 AM
Mighty fine, mighty fine! I like the use of paint. Sometimes, things can look just a little to "woody." Your piece is a nice balance. Good job. Thanks for posting. I'll show my wife tomorrow morning - after she's had her coffee.


John Renzetti
02-27-2003, 5:44 AM
Hi Jim, Very nice work, but you missed a golden opportunity. When your wife asked for that china cabinet you should have said "Honey, I can build it, but I need to buy....(fill in tool of your choice."
Take care,

Dick Parr
02-27-2003, 6:56 AM
Very Nice Country Look......

Von Bickley
02-27-2003, 10:25 AM
Great job on the cabinet. I agree with John that you had a good chance to get a new tool out of it.

Jerry Todd
02-27-2003, 10:34 AM
Hard or soft maple?

Lee Schierer
02-27-2003, 10:46 AM
Projects for your own home are the best, as you get to enjoy them for years. Next best are projects for your kids. I just loaded (wth some help) the EC that will travel to New Jersey tomorrow to live with my duaghter & family.

Dan Bussiere
02-27-2003, 10:56 AM
Very Nice! Did ya need more tools to do the "project"?

Ted Shrader
02-27-2003, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Jim Morrow
This is what happens when your wife looks over your shoulder when you are looking at one of your woodworking mags. You hear those words, "Hey honey could you build me one of those." You can't say no, how would you explain all those tools you bought.

Jim -

From your post, I can tell it is time we added a new forum called "Tool Justification". :) Bought is past tense. Look to the future. . . . . . You should never miss an opportunity to get a new tool. As in - "I could build that (and even improve the design) if I had a ______." :D

Seriously, very nice piece of furniture. The painted panels give it a warm touch. I'm sure she is enjoying using it and the fact that you made it.

Well done!

Bart Leetch
02-27-2003, 11:29 AM
I would never begrudge Jim a new tool. goodness knows he has the talent to use a new tool. But I think he would need to get rid of something to have room to put a new tool in. His shop is full now. Jim where did you say you were going to put that addition on the shop. Do you have enough room to the left of the shop to push the wall out? You work looks great as always.:cool: here is wishing for more sunshine.:( but if we get more rain we need that too.

Robert Henderson
02-27-2003, 12:05 PM
Nice job Jim!

Dave Schemansky
02-27-2003, 1:33 PM
Great job as usual Jim. Hope my wife doesn't see this pic. Her list is already too long.

Earl Reid
02-27-2003, 1:51 PM
Hi Jim, Nice hutch. What are the dimensions? I'm making one now.
Earl :)

Chris McKimson
02-27-2003, 2:44 PM
Looks great Jim. My wife just did the same thing. I was watching this weekends "NORM" project and at the end he showed what he was making next week. My wife saw what he was making next week and told me "I want one of those".

Now all I have to do is evaluate the "Tool Opportunity Factor". Um, "honey, don't know if I can make those biscut slots the same as Norm will my little PC, guess I'll have to get me one of them Lamello things".

OK, I'm still workin on it. :D


John Miliunas
02-27-2003, 3:17 PM
Here's what you're supposed to do. Tell LOYL that you'll gladly make that for her. Then, schlopp together some "test" molding (the uglier the better) and say, "Hey dear, whatdya' think of this for the moulding?" After she's done laughing, tell her you could make some nicer stuff if you had a (__________) *insert tool here*. If you've already got your Binford 2003, 40 hp router, then maybe you need a nice resaw bandsaw. Glue up a couple of gnarly, mismatched Pine pieces and show her what the doors would look like. "Oh, you'd rather have something bookmarked?" I think you're getting the picture here. Be creative. Tell her you'll have no problem making said item, BUT if she really would like a nice piece, you're going to need a little extra hardware.:D :D Good luck and enjoy your new toys.....errrrrrrr.....tools. Yeah, tools is what I meant.:cool:

Ken Wright
02-27-2003, 7:10 PM
You obviously put in a lot of time and hard work.... you're well rewarded.

Jim Morrow
02-27-2003, 8:08 PM
The cabinet is made out of hard maple.

The base cabinet is 48" wide, 36" tall and 18" deep. the top cabinet is 48" wide, 44" tall and 12" deep.

There is room to the left of my shop to expand and I'm planning on doing it in the near furture. that way I can fit more tools!;)

Take care,