View Full Version : Another Veneer Tutorial

Mike Henderson
01-16-2007, 12:48 PM
When I posted that tutorial on making a compass rose, I mentioned that I used a template to cut the pieces but that describing how to make and verify the template was beyond the scope of the article. Since the template is required to make the compass rose, several people e-mailed me and asked me how to make the template so that they could make the compass rose.

I've written up a tutorial on making the template - you can access it here (http://members.cox.net/mjhs/papers/SunburstTemplates.pdf). A spreadsheet that goes with the paper is here (http://members.cox.net/mjhs/papers/StarburstTemplateCalculations.xls). Wiktor Kuc is going to add this to my original tutorial on the compass rose, which is on his web site at http://www.wkfinetools.com/. He'll probably have it up in a day or so. The article will only be on my web site for a month but should continue to be available on Wiktor's site.

I'll warn readers that this tutorial does not have the satisfaction of a nice looking decoration when you finish it. The completed product is just a tool (a template), and the process of making it is tedious and requires real precision. But if you make a set of templates, you'll be set to do some of the more complex veneer projects, especially laying a sunburst.

I know, some of you are going to say to me, "Tell me how to lay a sunburst." But that's a story for another time.


Jim Tobias
01-16-2007, 5:47 PM
Thanks for posting this. I have just ordered the templates from Schurch 2 days ago. However, from the looks of your artcile, it will help tremendously in avoiding mistakes as I go froward. I have veneered a fair amount, just haven't ventured into the decorative sid eof it. I am very interested in however and look forward to trying to learn the techniques.

Thanks again for your well written descriptions,


Mike Henderson
01-17-2007, 11:52 AM
This tutorial has been put up on Wiktor Kuc's site http://www.wkfinetools.com/index.asp. The direct link to the tutorial is here (http://www.wkfinetools.com/tUsing/art/sunbTeplate/sunbTemp1.asp). The spreadsheet can be downloaded from a link at the end of the article.

I'll take the tutorial off of my web site in a few weeks.


Barry Bruner
01-17-2007, 2:43 PM
Thanks Michael, your posts are far more informative than Fine Wood Working, and your projects are better. Everything you do is great and you are extremely good on the details. You need to do articles in a Wood Working magazine, I would start buying them again. Thanks again. BARRY BRUNER