View Full Version : More turnings for the bazaar.

Dave Smith
11-20-2003, 6:12 PM
Last week I finished turning 9 weed pots for my wife. Sandy always does her gift shopping in my shop. I guess she does that because the price is right. Since I have a last minute bazaar this Saturday and she doesn’t need the weed pots for a couple weeks I am taking them to the sale. Out of the 9 weed pots Sandy has a favorite and one she really dislikes. All the pots have a ½" hole drilled from 2 ½" to 4" deep.

The sun came out and as soon as I set up to take pictures the clouds came back. Sorry about the quality. The colors are close but the figure doesn’t show very well.
<p><img src="http://www.woodnheart.com/wc/weed1.jpg"></p>
From left to right; mulberry burl, filbert, bigleaf maple, apple, cherry
<p><img src="http://www.woodnheart.com/wc/weed2.jpg"></p>
From left to right; apple, mulberry, bigleaf maple, cherry root.

When I was looking for some mantle clocks I had put away I found several turnings that I had set aside for some reason or other. The spalted alder, holly and bigleaf maple had distorted and the frog cup would not fit. That was pretty quick to fix as opposed to doing complete turnings. The alder bowling pin, as we call it, needed the tenon parted off. The cherry frog had been dropped and had to have the rim returned. More stuff out of the shop. If you haven’t guessed, Sandy gave frogs for Christmas last year. When I got 9 good ones the rest went into a box for later. The frog cups have prongs for holding dried or fresh flowers.
<p><img src="http://www.woodnheart.com/wc/frog1.jpg"></p>
From left to right; Spalted alder, holly, alder crotch, cherry, bigleaf maple.

This is the first sale I will be doing with nearly all turning items. On to pens and bottle stoppers.

Dave Smith

Will trade turning lessons for photograhpy lessons in Longview, WA.

Brad Schafer
11-20-2003, 9:14 PM
wow - good stuff. faves are the cherry root (#1), bigleaf maple (#2) and alder crotch (#3), more for interesting wood than shape. curious to know which ones your wife did (not) like,


Tom Sweeney
11-20-2003, 9:27 PM
Man the pros from Dover are in today that's for sure. Between you & Bill us newbies are really getting a show. Fantastic work again. :cool:

Good Luck at the bazaar - I'm sure you'll do great!

Thanks for the inspiration / motivation it's much appreciated.

Dave Smith
11-21-2003, 2:16 AM
No accounting for taste but then she did marry me. I'm not sure that came out right. Her favorite is the apple weed pot in the first picture. I like them all too but my favorite is the cherry root. You should see the wild figure and color.

Dave Smith

I should be rooted in bed in Longview, WA.

Ray Johnson
11-21-2003, 12:59 PM

You sure inspire me to go out and do some turnings. Very nice projects as were the ones you showed the other day.

Getting any flat work done?


Tyler Howell
11-21-2003, 2:09 PM

Love the name "weed pot" new one on me.
Great work.


Steve Hertzler
11-24-2003, 1:28 AM
I am new to turning. Where do you get your wood?

Dave Smith
11-24-2003, 10:54 AM
Hi Steve,

Utility crews trim trees all the time and leave the wood in stealable links laying along the side of the road. Check the loacl dump. Many land fills have an area for trees which are available for the general public to cut and haul away. Start asking people you know if they have any yard trees they want to get rid of. I get a lot of fruit trees this way. Always turn a bowl for the person who gives you wood. They will remember you every time they look at the bowl and their friends will hear about you when they ask about it. It is like a business card that doesn't get thrown away. If you were near by my wife would gladly give you a large amount of wood to get you started. That would only apply if I wasn't home.

Good luck.

Dave Smith

Gota clean the shop today in Longview, WA.

Noah Alkinburgh
11-24-2003, 10:57 AM
If you were near by my wife would gladly give you a large amount of wood to get you started. That would only apply if I wasn't home.

Good luck.

Dave Smith

Gota clean the shop today in Longview, WA.

Give her my address Dave :D How did the show go?
