View Full Version : Indentifying type of tree when the leaves are all gone???

Steve LaFara
01-15-2007, 1:33 AM
There is a ton of downed limbs and trees due to the recent ice storms, but I have no clue what is what without seeing some leaves for reference. Is there a web link that shows a way to spot certain wood types by the bark or by trunk patern???

I'm pretty sure that I can spot sweetgum, oak and maple, but everything else is a mystery.

John Hart
01-15-2007, 6:28 AM
Because trees are often times closely related, they're difficult to identify with absolute certainty without the leaves.

If you Google "Wood Species Identification" there are lots of links to different places that can help. This one has some nice pics in PDFs http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/leaf/treeid.htm

If you like mysteries...then wood identification will suit you.;)