View Full Version : Grandfather's Buck Bros Chisel

Tom Hamilton
01-14-2007, 5:23 PM
Greetings Fellow Neaders:

While cleaning up the shop after building Granddaughter #4 a table for her Thomas the Train, I came across Grandfather's Buck Bros. chisel.

http://wdynamic.com/galoots/4images/categories.php?cat_id=428 It's the lower one.

Grandfather farmed a quarter section outside of Muncie IN in the first half of the last century and this was no doubt used in his farm shop.

It got me thinking, always dangerous, that 2007 would be a good year to put together a set of these. So a quick google and stop at Ebay and I'm off. The upper chisel in the photo is a recent ebay purchase.

I've read the brothers bio and other flotsam and jetsam about their life, history and business.

What I'm looking for is:

The "Blood & Gore" type site to ID these tools; or

some tips on what to look for to match Grandfather's. I've learned the handle changed over the years, and Charles has his name on some of the product. So, any tips, hints or direction will be appreciated. I suspect this is somewhat like asking about Stanley planes, much info and many variations.

Third, if anyone had a desire the thin their herd of Buck Bros. that match the one I've got, I would love to visit about a purchase.

Best regards,

Tom, in Houston, getting ready for the big blue Norther, going to 31 degree!

Ryan Cathey
01-17-2007, 5:30 PM
Found this site a few days ago: geocities.com/sawnutz/buck/index.htm . I would just put it as a link but I'm still not sure on the rules. Hope it helps even if it isn't a blood and gore type page. Oh, by the way I've got a Buck Bros. chisel without a handle that's an inch wide and has about 2 and 11/16" until the socket. Anybody have any info on it. Tom, if no one has any info I'd be willing to sell it to you;). It's a socket chisel though.

-Ryan C.

Tom Hamilton
01-17-2007, 7:49 PM
Hey, Ryan: Thanks for the heads up about the Buck Bros info. I think I'm going to focus on the tanged chisels first. Otherwise I'll have three dozen of each!

Thanks again for the info.


Ryan Cathey
01-17-2007, 9:41 PM
No problem...guess I'll have to get around to making a handle sans lathe lol.

-Ryan C.