View Full Version : Shop time: Planed up some of my recent Maple Haul

Ned Bulken
01-13-2007, 11:53 PM
I snuck some of my maple stash up to a friend's garage shop tonight. We jointed and planed about 20bf or so of it, which I'm going to be putting to use as face frame materials for some new kitchen cabinets. I had to rush home, but I got these pics of the lumber:http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r213/Nbulken/cabinet%20pics/dressedtogo.jpg?t=1168749917
first we cut the boards in half. Then we jointed and planed the stack on the left.

It came out looking something like this:http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r213/Nbulken/cabinet%20pics/jm2.jpg?t=1168750015
Here's a close up of one of the boards:
mind you these were just 'Rock Maple, not sold as ambrosia or curly maple.
