View Full Version : Hi. I'm Gary, and I'm a woodaholic.

Gary Herrmann
01-13-2007, 9:06 PM
SMC Chorus: "Hi Gary."

I haven't been turning that long. I've only made a couple bowls and few pens. I've got plans for other stuff tho. Coasters, platter, vases, pencil pots, pens until I sicken all that know me... Maybe even hollow forms some day.

I can see it now. Walking down the halls at work. People muttering "Don't make eye contact. He'll try to give you one of his pens."

I've been a woodaholic for 3 or 4 years I guess. It started with flat work. Gotta have a decent stash of boards so you can make things for the fam without having to run out every weekend. My wife thinks I have a huge wood stash, but I'm sure she's exaggerating. Probably around a few hundred board feet. At most. Yeah. Bought either on sale or from Tom and Joe at Lumber Logs. Altho the mahogany I got from that one guy was a steal. How could I be expected to pass up a deal like that?

The bowl blank thing is beginning to worry me tho. I've bought some - even a couple on the site which shall not be named. I have got to stop looking at that site. Too much temptation during an ice storm.

Speaking of which, I was eyeing the downed trees as I drove my son to Tae Kwan Do. Didn't see anything good. We are supposed to get another couple storms thru this weekend...

I'm new turner. Don't get much time to do it, and I must have enough bowl stock for 40-50 bowls down there. I even said to the wife, "I've got to stop bringing home bowl blanks." She just looked at me.

Now I'm sure some of you guys that have been doing this for awhile probably have a garage or barn full. But you guys turn out several beautiful pieces a week of even more often. I think I'm on pace for one bowl per month at this point.

So is this normal? Wait, who am I asking? Am I at least less addicted than some of you? Thats all I want. Someone to say that I'm not perversely obsessed with wood. That I'm not a... wood mongerer...

I'll talk to you later. I need to get back downstairs to make a pallet or something for all that Mulberry I'm going to pick up when my neighbors cut down their tree for the addition. The trunk looks like there may be quilting. Pallet? Better make some shelves. The other unit I made is full already. I don't have much 2x material on hand tho...

Mmm, quilting....

John Hart
01-13-2007, 9:13 PM
It's funny....My shop is littered throughout with turning blanks, I have a pile of 40 large turning blanks all stacked up in the middle of the shop. I have a large firewood pile that is all turning blanks. The loft above the shop has a mountain of turning blanks...and all I could think of today, was "how am I going to get up to my neighbor's woods without a horse and get some more Pepperidge and Beech!!!"

It's sick I tell ya. And I have about as much time to turn as you do Gary. Sheesh.:rolleyes:

David Fried
01-13-2007, 9:34 PM
"how am I going to get up to my neighbor's woods without a horse and get some more Pepperidge and Beech!!!":rolleyes:

Let's face John ... you need a horsey. Maybe a team of horseys. It's turning related now. It's OK. Get a horsey John. Get a few.:D

Steve Schlumpf
01-13-2007, 10:01 PM
Hi Gary!

I started with flatwork about 7 years ago. Little by little I built up my shop so that I had the tools I needed in order to make the things I wanted. Then, in March of 04, a 'friend' gave me an old craftsman lathe and life has changed.

I also have about 100 bdf of various boards that I had collected for all my flatwork. They still sit where I stacked them. My brand new cabinet tablesaw and outfeed table holds all my turnings while their finishes dry. I've got bowl blanks and spindle stock in every nook & cranny in the shop and a dozen logs out in the shed - but I'm still looking. You just never know where that next prize piece of wood is going to come from - but I'm still looking!

Pete Jordan
01-13-2007, 10:03 PM

I was just watching the weather channel and it look like you can have all the wood you want! There are trees down everywhere.

Gary Herrmann
01-13-2007, 10:28 PM

I was just watching the weather channel and it look like you can have all the wood you want! There are trees down everywhere.

Pete, in Dec, I got some apple, pear, plum and cherry. This time the worst of it isn't near me (yet anyway), so we'll see...

Christopher K. Hartley
01-13-2007, 10:34 PM

I was just watching the weather channel and it look like you can have all the wood you want! There are trees down everywhere.We're Sick...Sick I tell you!:eek: :eek: :eek: I was doing the same thing when I heard the Weather Channel...saying Oh Boy! Maybe we'll get some of that weather here and I can cut some more blanks with my new Stihl. Earlier today, I was comming back from HF and thinking that I would get a pair of coveralls,( I usually wear a suit at work) slip on rubber boots, a pair of work gloves and put them along side my saw, some extra oil for the gas and Chain Bar Oil with a new large gas can for regular gas and my small one for the mix. All of it goes in the covered bed of the pick-up and I'm ready at any time. Gary, you're not alone!!!

Tom Sontag
01-13-2007, 10:36 PM
I suggest you start an urban logging operation so you can really scratch that itch. No, wait....

I just KNEW I shoulda kept that cherry burl....

Gary Herrmann
01-13-2007, 11:16 PM
I suggest you start an urban logging operation so you can really scratch that itch. No, wait....

I just KNEW I shoulda kept that cherry burl....


Well, you can keep all the other burls you get for me.

I'm hanging on to that one until I can do it justice.

Rich Souchek
01-13-2007, 11:19 PM
Thank you Gary.
My name is Rich s. and I'm a turnaholic.:eek: :eek:

:D SMC Chorus: "HI RICH." :D

They tell me it helps to talk about it, and .... to get out of de river...
No, they actually say to get out of "de Nile." ;)

Sharpened the chain on my chainsaw this morning after listening to the Weather Channel, put it and my saw gear in my truck (with mixed gas), and the weatherman says it will not get cold till Monday morning.

Then I had to take all the wood blanks out of the truck bed so they don't get wet. I cut them Thursday during my lunch hour. :cool: :cool:
Why eat when you can prepare for turning?

I actually cleaned off my tablesaw today, ..... because I need to make a new tool cabinet for turning tools. I want it on rollers right by my lathe, maybe 4' square and 7'-9" tall. To hold tools, blanks to work on, dried blanks, my Tormack to sharpen tools, then my belt grinder to modify turning tools, then my big 20 lb vise to help adjust my turning tools, and maybe coble together a wheel grinder to do major tool regrinds.
Got leave plenty of room on one side for finishing supplies. The 5 gal bucket of Rich's glop can be on the bottom shelf nex to my 30 gal can of dishwashing solution. Then room for all the cans of shellac, laquer, varnish, oils, thinners, bruches, foams, rags, towls, tints, and buffing supples.

The wood can come from my old flatwork supply, beats using that wood to heat my turning shop. What does one do with 1x12s in ash or oak, even pecan? It is too thin for platters, got to build them up for bowls. Can't even make tops with it without more work.

My wife wants me to go see my new grandson, ..... Let's see. Watch 2 week old first grandson sleep or play on my new lathe. .......Even have to drive over there..... And when a good turning idea hits me, what do I do there?............................................ ...........................
Maria, why don't you go by yourself? Got some big bowls to make here today....

No, consellor, it all seem perfectly normal to me. I KNOW where my priorities are....... :D :D :D
Rich S.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-13-2007, 11:48 PM
You guys go ahead and whine....tell your tales .......at least you entered voluntarily..........You turkeys shoved me into the Vortex........I was sane.....maybe 10 days from having my shop finished....1 more coat of mud.......PVA sealer...prime.... paint.....$600 worth of T-8 lighting sitting in the corner to be installed after the painting.......Well about 355 days ago....this package showed up on my back step...........The inmates held me down and mainlined me........Only 9 days 7 hours and 30 minutes of work left......lights sitting in the corner....still in boxes.........dust covered boxes........I've got a stack of logs sitting outside in front of the shop doors.....wood and corian chips and curlies 6" deep around the diving board......Hey.....I haven't even taken the time to build a real bench for the Bomb....Still turning a 2x12 sitting on two halves of a Little Giant ladder........I turn by a set of 2 halogen construction lights on a light stand...only lights useable in the shop.......I've got a new drill press so I drill all the way through a pen blank......a slowspeed grinder...wolverine jig set.......365 days ago....I didn't even know half this stuff existed......donut chuck....what's a donut chuck?....why would you want to chuck up a donut?........danish oil ....I've heard of it.....Mylands?.......dewaxed shellac?.........Deft....yeah I'm nearly deaf....that's why the diving board turning bench works so well for me....I can't hear the change in sound as a NE starts drying and cracking...but I can see the increased vibration in the 2x12 sitting loosely on the Little Giant ladder system......Go ahead....tell me your sob stories.....:D

But I sure do smile a lot these days!....Thanks!:D :D :D

Jim Ketron
01-14-2007, 1:12 AM
Yep I know what you are saying!

And thats just one shelf in my shop I have 3 total for storing blanks:o
At first I was picking up every piece of wood I could find and bring it home. Now if the tree does not have any special features or figure, I don't even bother with it. I have become much more choosy with my blanks now.

Dennis Peacock
01-14-2007, 6:19 AM
Let's face John ... you need a horsey. Maybe a team of horseys. It's turning related now. It's OK. Get a horsey John. Get a few.:D

You tell him David!!!! :p :rolleyes: :D

Dennis Peacock
01-14-2007, 6:21 AM

I hear what you are saying and I know the tune.!!! ;)

I've got more turning stock than what I could rough out in 4 months of roughing.

This is Dennis - waiting for a storm so he can collect even more turning stock and hoping for the time when these flatwork projects are finished. :D

Chris Barton
01-14-2007, 7:44 AM
Hi Gary,

You do seem to have a serious problem. Many woodworkers desend to these depths due to being weak and unable to control themselves. Unlike you, I have no problem with my woodworking. I can "take it or leave it" as they say. That's why I have $50K in machines in my basement, about 400 bdft of hardwood lumber and can't ever move (too much work in making this arrangement work). Just ask my wife, she will support me on this. I think it's perfectly normal for a 50yo man to need to spend quality time with his toys, er tools for a few hours a day. But you, you need some help...

Fun Post Gary!

PS: I also just realized that I have some lumber that is older than my 25yo daughter that I've been saving for just the right project...

Glenn Clabo
01-14-2007, 8:57 AM
all I could think of today, was "how am I going to get up to my neighbor's woods without a horse and get some more Pepperidge and Beech!!!"

It's sick I tell ya. And I have about as much time to turn as you do Gary. Sheesh.:rolleyes:

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Mark Stutz
01-14-2007, 10:53 AM
I'm glad I'm not the only one. LOML refers to the basement as the lumber storage area!

Believe it or not, I am making a dent in that cherry I got from you. Now what's this about cherry burls.....!


Tom Sontag
01-14-2007, 1:18 PM
Believe it or not, I am making a dent in that cherry I got from you. Now what's this about cherry burls.....!Mark

What cherry? What dent? You need a good talkin' to from Tyler...

As for the burl, we don't see too many. Some tree service guys turn or already have arrangements with turners and Joe only gets the big log stuff. But once in a while...Fer instance, an entire mulberry log was essentially all burly and it now fills four pallets. (note, picture attached as proof).

But that has happened once. If lucky, we get smaller burls that knowledgble turners pass over. But finally, after 3 years, we score a basketball sized cherry burl, first we've seen, and I SELL IT! What an idiot!

Gary Herrmann
01-14-2007, 3:31 PM
What cherry? What dent? You need a good talkin' to from Tyler...

As for the burl, we don't see too many. Some tree service guys turn or already have arrangements with turners and Joe only gets the big log stuff. But once in a while...Fer instance, an entire mulberry log was essentially all burly and it now fills four pallets. (note, picture attached as proof).

But that has happened once. If lucky, we get smaller burls that knowledgble turners pass over. But finally, after 3 years, we score a basketball sized cherry burl, first we've seen, and I SELL IT! What an idiot!

And Gary thanks you.

Hmm, Mulberry burl...

Pete Jordan
01-14-2007, 8:13 PM
They just interrupted the football game. It looks like we might get a half an inch of ice. I'll gas up the Husky after its final. I gassed up the generator earlier.

05-14-2007, 3:06 PM
Figured I would revive this as it still fits me today!

My name is Tyler and I'm a woodaholic.

I see the dead trees and picture bowls in the crotches, hollow forms in the branches, platters in the trunk.

It truley is a sickness. A couple of weeks ago we got a late freeze after the trees had started to bud out. Well now everything just looks dead. I'm trying to convice a guy with a large walnut tree that the tree is completely dead and he needs me to remove it for him. Several other trees in the neighborhood that look as though they need to be removed.

This is the conversation with the home owner:
Yeah your tree is totaly dead, won't come back. The freeze made the sap freeze and the pores are filled solid and can't be unthawed.

Their tree is coming back? HUH? Well their tree dosn't have burls on them.

Yeah only the trees with burls don't make it past a freeze. Something about the chemicals the burls release into the wood. Makes the sap solidify when frozen.

Yeah I'm sure, after I take my chainsaw to them, I'm sure it won't come back.

Police are on their way? Gotta go.
(handsaws at night make no noise!!!!!!):p

Mike Vickery
05-14-2007, 4:49 PM
well my stash is not anywhere close to Jim's but every time my wood pile gets low I seem to fill it up again.

How picky I am depends on how full the garage is. I have a tree trimmer that I can pick through their log pile and that keeps me in regular supply of 13 to 10 inch sized stuff.

Then the occasional down tree score fills up the grage in a hurry. I usually cut three other guys in when I get a line on a downed tree, and in turn they cut me in when they get a lead. It is a nice system so I usually never get a huge amount of wood at one time, but get good amount on a more regular interval and different types.
Last week me and two buddies cut 2 truck loads of Africa Sumac and left a bunch still on the lot and let the word out to other turners we know. I had all I needed especially with summer coming fast.

Joe Melton
05-14-2007, 5:10 PM
I don't know if this qualifies me for the "club", but I went from the purchase of a Carbatec lathe to a timber importing permit in a year. Now, I'm drawing up plans for a second shop.
