View Full Version : New Member sign-on

Jim Byrne
11-19-2003, 11:25 PM
Just want to say hello. I have been reading this forum for a while and decided to join in. I don't have near the time and patience to create the art that I have seen here. I am more an amateur that likes to make the occasional attempt at woodworking. The forum though gives me time to look at what others do and contemplate the possibilities. Also an inspiration to try some of the more challenging items.

The conversations that I have read are interesting and some truly beautiful work out there.

Thanks for the inspiration and the interesting conversations.


Todd Burch
11-19-2003, 11:27 PM

That's where I live!! Red Rover, Red Rover, come on right over! Glad you joined the Creek! Todd.

Von Bickley
11-19-2003, 11:30 PM
Welcome to "The Creek". I know you will enjoy hanging out here. We have a lot of good people that really enjoy woodworking and also enjoy talking about it.

Jim Byrne
11-19-2003, 11:31 PM
I look over a few forums and had been reading the sawmill for a while and I guess it was in August that I noticed your name on the side of a red? pickup truck. The name clicked from the forum.

Small world!

Noah Alkinburgh
11-20-2003, 8:30 AM
Welcome Jim!

It great to have you. This place is inspriring for sure. Glad you decided to wade in and join us.


Tom Sweeney
11-20-2003, 8:46 AM
Glad you signed on - pull up a log & don't be a stranger.
The Creek is sure a great place to hang out.

Hey Todd now we have someone that can spy on you to make sure you're really working as hard as you say or if you truck's just parked at the local driving range or fishing hole or whatever all day :D

Todd Burch
11-20-2003, 8:48 AM
Hey, if the Creek wants to fund it, I'll install a web cam! That way, noone will get any work done all day! They'll be watching "TODD TV"! :D (talk about a low-content show!!!!)

Jim, truck is light brown - but the sign on it has some red!

Bill Grumbine
11-20-2003, 9:09 AM
Hi Jim

Welcome to the forum. I was about to type a friendly insult when I read Todd's reply. I have a friend by the name of Jim Byrne up here in PA, also an amateur woodworker, and I thought he had finally decided to come on the group. Boy would I have been embarrassed (but not for long). :o Join in and have some fun.


John Scarpa
11-20-2003, 9:10 AM
Welcome aboard Jim. I just joined myself and am already enjoying it. Hope to see you here often!

Ted Shrader
11-20-2003, 9:18 AM
Jim -

Welcome to the Creek. Pull up a log and sit a while.

. . . I am more an amateur that likes to make the occasional attempt at woodworking. . . . There are many people here that span the scale. Great community in which to share and learn.


Bob Lasley
11-20-2003, 9:26 AM
Glad to have you here, Jim. Feel free to post questions, suggestions, wisdom, wit or most anything else.


Brad Schafer
11-20-2003, 9:53 AM
Hey, if the Creek wants to fund it, I'll install a web cam! That way, noone will get any work done all day! They'll be watching "TODD TV"! :D (talk about a low-content show!!!!)

eye hath not see, hear hath not heard ... that's just too weird to think about. :D
