View Full Version : Sissy hollowform

Joe Melton
01-12-2007, 8:25 PM
I got this blank in an exchange with Chris Hartley, down in Texas. It is spalted pecan, and was my first attempt at a semi-serious hollow form. The walls are about 1/8" thick, diameter about 7.5" and height about 4.5". I did most of the hollowing with a Sorby hollowing tool (mostly scraping). I think I goofed with I used Watco Natural as a finish, as it significantly darkened the wood, obscuring the stunning grain and spalting patterns. Some bug havens are still visible - perhaps I should have filled them. When I was first going after the inside, the tenon snapped off in the chuck, and I was sick. I glued it back on with epoxy, and then timorously continued, using the Sorby tool, expecting it go flying at any moment. When I finally got it to size, I felt like I could make a 7-10 split.
My photography sucks, and I think the piece looks better in person than in this photo. Anyway, critiques are welcome. I consider this a stepping stone to greater things. I still have a nice layered blank Lee sent me that I have set aside till I feel comfortable with attacking it.
PS. I made a pen from one of the corners cut off of the blank, and it looks real purty.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-12-2007, 8:50 PM
Nicely done Joe! I hope my first turns out that well!

Steve Schlumpf
01-12-2007, 9:30 PM
Hey Joe - nice work on the bowl and the pen! Beautiful wood!

Bernie Weishapl
01-12-2007, 10:27 PM
Joe ya did good. I like the bowl and pen. Nice job.

Jim Becker
01-12-2007, 11:11 PM
'Nothing "sissy" about that nice piece, Joe. Excellent work on a really nice piece of wood. The simple form you chose is perfect for highlighting it, too.

John Chandler
01-13-2007, 12:21 AM
I like both the bowl and pen. I think the color of the bowl is great (not having been influenced by seeing it before the finish was put on.) What finish do you think you should have used? Keep up the good work.

Tom Sherman
01-13-2007, 7:18 AM
Joe I agree with Jim nothing sissy about this, work to be proud of indeed.

John Hart
01-13-2007, 8:24 AM
Yup...she's a nice one. I like the pen too. Too bad the finish darkened the wood. I'm trying to figure out ways to bring out the grain without darkening. Struggling with that a bit.

Christopher K. Hartley
01-13-2007, 8:50 AM
Joe you did that wood proud! Nice form and finish. I found the same thing you did with the Watco and have used BLO on the Pecan with pleasing results. The best thing I have found so far to keep the wood lighter is the Clear Deft line of products. The pen is outstanding. Good job my friend!!:)