View Full Version : Rockler Service

Jerry Bittner
01-12-2007, 5:49 PM
For those of you who have purchased the Rockler branding iron to identify your products, what's been your expereince? I'm speaking of the electric branding iron with the message being Handcrafted By Your name.

I've used it about forty times or so over the last two years and noticed it was getting increasingly difficult to get a uniform transfer. The instructions do read that the brass name plate will bend slightly but that with practice you can "roll" it to get a good transfer.

So if the brass bends after repeated use, you shold be able to bend it back right? Wrong -- it snapped in half.

So I call Rockler and say that the iron part is still functioning so all I need is a new name plate. Can't do that the gal says. Well give me the name of the company who makes the product and I'll call them. Again, "a no can do."

So I e-mail the company on Monday and am still waiting for a response.

Is this typical of Rockler service? Up until now I've been satisfied with their products and service but quite frankly, if this is a sign of things to come, I'll shift that business to Lee Valley where I've always got outstanding customer service.

But I would like to know what the general consensus of Rockler service is and maybe get some sources other than Rockler.

Steven DeMars
01-12-2007, 6:32 PM
Whenever I have a problem with a company I always work my way up the ladder. . . If you start dumping evey company that you deal with because the minimum wage worker you spoke to that is only following instructions in what is usually a poorly thought out flip book, you will always be seeking out new vendors. Raise Hell ! ! ! and more Hell ! ! !

Now when someone in management dumps on you. . . Then stop using them and dog the crap out of them every chance you get . . . .

This is the American way of improving customer service in a company.

Bob Marino
01-12-2007, 6:34 PM
I have heard mostly positive things about Rockler, but never a bad word about Lee Valley. Also, emails from large companies for some strange reason, never seem to get answered in a timely manner.


glenn bradley
01-12-2007, 6:40 PM
I've shopped at Rockler quite a bit and for the most part have been satisfied in their stores and on line. I have noticed a 'change in the wind' over the last year. They seem to be getting more detached from the customer.

I would like to think that they have become aware of this as I have received (and heard of others receiving) rating surveys from them discussing customer sat.

I expressed my concerns as I describe and added specific observations about their website slipping a bit. I hope the fact that they are asking means they are aware something is going on and are planning to rectify it.

I also have had nothing but 'over the top' service from Lee Valley.

Bryan Somers
01-12-2007, 7:23 PM
I cant comment good or bad about their customer service because I hav'nt had any experience with them, but when dealing with customer service reps you must learn to say " I would like to talk with your supervisor". That can get you to someone who has the authority to deal with some of the more complex problems we have.

I would'nt dump them over one bad experience and its possible you were not even talking with a rockler employee but a outsourced rep as more companies are doing that now. Is there a store near you that you can contact?

Ken Milhinch
01-12-2007, 8:21 PM
I deal with Rockler from the other side of the world (Australia) and I have found them to be very good. I also deal with Lee Valley and they are excellent, but my principal supplier in the USA is Woodworker's Supply. Great range, good prices and very reliable delivery service.


Allen Bookout
01-12-2007, 8:29 PM
I don't know what is going on over there. I placed an order on Dec 31st and finally decided to check on it day before yesterday. I went to their website and under my account it showed nothing backordered or shipped on the order but just "In Process".
I replied to the order confirmation and ask them what "In Process" meant and if I could expect the order to be shipped in the next week or so. I got no reply so I rechecked today and it showed shipped. I expected that I would at least get an email explaning what was going on. I also have become used to getting an email that "Your order has shipped" which I do not believe Rockler ever does. They have some pretty good deals from time to time but just do not seem to be up to speed.

So, to relate this to your experience, I had a chance to correspond with customer service but never heard from them.

Jim Becker
01-12-2007, 8:38 PM
To date, I've never had a problem with Rockler. They have always responded to emails. I just checked my email records and for my most recent order I see both an order confirmation and a ship confirmation.

Please be sure that your ISP is not blocking email from them before you assume a vendor ignoring you. It's not uncommon for that kind of problem to occur these days due to the complexity of spam filtration. And when in doubt, call them on the phone directly to inquire about order status or with a quality problem.

I'm not defending Rockler, per se, if they in fact have not provided you with good customer service. 'Just trying to insure that all the scenarios are looked at in fairness, especially since in general, they have a pretty good reputation.

Jerry Bittner
01-12-2007, 9:30 PM
Thanks Jim,

I had thought of my spam blocker catching Rockler's reply but nothing but after reading your message, I thought I'd check again.

No promise about replacing it -- the branding iron head -- but at least they asked for additional information and are checking into it.

To date, I've never had a problem with Rockler. They have always responded to emails. I just checked my email records and for my most recent order I see both an order confirmation and a ship confirmation.

Please be sure that your ISP is not blocking email from them before you assume a vendor ignoring you. It's not uncommon for that kind of problem to occur these days due to the complexity of spam filtration. And when in doubt, call them on the phone directly to inquire about order status or with a quality problem.

I'm not defending Rockler, per se, if they in fact have not provided you with good customer service. 'Just trying to insure that all the scenarios are looked at in fairness, especially since in general, they have a pretty good reputation.

Allen Bookout
01-12-2007, 9:38 PM
I am using Yahoo Mail so should not be an ISP problem and I had already checked my bulk folder and nothing there. May be it was just an isolated incident. I could have called them but was going to wait a while and see what happened.

Steve Kohn
01-12-2007, 9:47 PM
I also placed an internet order with Rockler on December 31st. I finally arrived today. I just checked my emails and was not notified of shipment or why it took so long.

Order was well packed and everything was there that I ordered.

Don Bullock
01-12-2007, 9:55 PM
I've had very good service form Rockler. They send out emails when my items are shipped. After the holidays I've noticed that they are a little slower than they were before Christmas. Due to the sales and free shipping I'm not surprised.

As for your branding iron problem, I have had no reason like that to complain about the quality of something I ave bought from Rockler. I think your best bet would be to take it to one of their stores if at all possible. If not, just keep calling until you get a decision from them.

Jack Ferrell
01-12-2007, 10:03 PM
I also ordered from Rockler on the 31st. I got in on the "Handscrew Clamp 10" Promo" along with some other items with free shipping. It first said my whole order would be held up until the 9th, then the 12th. I can understand holding the whole order due to the free shipping. Still just says "IN PROCESS." At least it no longer says backordered on the clamps, so I guess it will be shipped soon.
Good luck with your branding iron Jerry.

glenn bradley
01-12-2007, 10:17 PM
I use Yahoo mail as well and there are sites that will not get into my in-box unless they are in my address book. I have checked to see that my settings do not block them but, the fix works. You might call and ask if they have tried to send you emails. I know this shouldn't be necessary but, it may not be their fault and you'd get your info.

Sorry guys, going a little OT here but, trying to help.

Allen Bookout
01-12-2007, 10:26 PM
I just assumed that since I received my order confirmation from them I would receive any other emails that they might send but that might not be the case from what you are saying. I have found one or two messages that I wanted in bulk but it is very rare. I do not remember not getting a message in one or the other. I will check.

John Buzzurro
01-13-2007, 8:34 AM
I've been buying from Rockler for about 2 years now, and their customer service has been good.

Mike Mortenson
01-13-2007, 8:46 AM
Its now been 2 weeks since i placed my order. They told me lastnight it still hasnt been shipped. I asked, are the items in stock and she says yes. I asked well then why hasnt it been shipped? She really didn't have a good answer other than they lost about 1000 orders. I Have been told about 4 or 5 times in the last 2 weeks that my order was on its way out the door. I am about to give up on them.

Allen Bookout
01-13-2007, 8:59 AM
I got an email last night just before midnight that my order has shipped. I think that my order was one that was lost until I emailed them. They must have received many more orders than they had planned on and got snowballed. That doesn't account for your problem though Mike.

Eric Sabo
01-13-2007, 10:25 AM
I ordered a Bessey K-body clamp kit. I didn't open the box for ~2 weeks, and when I did some of the red plastic was cracked a bit... so I called them, and without question asked they sent me a new clamp, without asking for the old one back. I even had mentioned to them that the plastic being broken didn't really impact the ability to use the clamp, I simply wanted to let them know.

So, my experience with Rockler has been great, but like any big comany, I'm sure that there are things that can easily slip through.

Ted Miller
01-13-2007, 10:45 AM
I am the "customer service nut", my 40 hour job is running a warehouse and I deal with customer service companies all over the country every day, customer service means everything to me. I sent Rockler an e-mail months ago asking about a product and I received no answer, but I have never had any shipping problems with my orders. I give every vendor a chance and if it goes south then I turn to auctions for my shop products. I am not rich nor poor, but I am willing to pay a higher price to get great customer service, when you start to treat me like the bank does, just a number and we want your money, you are done...

Karl Knoernschild
01-13-2007, 11:29 AM
Earlier this week I got a flier in the mail from a company called Price Cutter. They seem to be selling the same branding irons that Rocker sells. If you don't have any luck with Rockler, you may want to try contacting them to see if they can replace the plate or tell you who the manufacturer is.

Alan Greene
01-13-2007, 11:59 AM
I have had good service from Rockler. They have always e-mailed me with shipment info etc. When they were oversold on the clamps they also let me know they were back ordered. I do not believe they have the "best" service, because Lee Valley IMHO has that of all the places I use.

My wife works in retail. From listening to both half's of the story over the last few years I have tempered my feelings when I don't get immediate customer service to my liking. I will always give the company/person a chance to rectify an issue. If I cannot get satisfaction then I simply ask for the supervisor. The initial person you speak with usually has the least amount of options open to them to help you. I now also make it a point to ask for a supervisor and report any customer service that I feel was above and beyond. This does a couple of things. One it reinforces the good service and down the road if you do call in a complaint you are on record for also saying Thank You. That can make a difference for you in getting an issue resolved by the company as well, as it helps your credibility when you are willing to spend your time to say Thanks. They appreciate knowing who is doing a good job for them, and for you.:)

Benjamin Dahl
01-13-2007, 12:08 PM
I have only dealt with Rockler in their stores and that has always been positive. I find Lee Valley to be excellent and responsive. Highland Hardware here in Atlanta also has excellent customer service, both in person and on the phone.