View Full Version : A Really.... Really DUMB Question

Bob Noles
01-11-2007, 6:33 PM
Haven't posted up here in flat land for awhile, since faling down in the spinning crowd. Kind of like that old commercial.... Help, I've fallen down and can't get up :eek:

Anyhow, now for my really dumb question. My wife found some plans for a woodpecker bird house and is after me to build a couple to place around the property. It calls for cedar and that is no problem as HD just down the road has plenty. The problem comes in when I see that these WP birds need the sides to be rough both inside and outside the box. Since the stock at the borg always has one side milled and sanded smooth, how can I rough that side back up? I was thinking maybe a belt sander with 40 grit against the grain or something wild along those lines. Before I start, I thought I'd see if anyone maybe has a better and easier idea.

Okay... there is your dumb question of the week. Now y'all go easy as my head spins easy from hanging out with that turner crowd too much. :)

Ken Fitzgerald
01-11-2007, 6:36 PM
Bob....they make a cheap paint chipper for use in electric drills....a bunch of wires attached to a round short cylinder....the wires will spin out as the cylinder is spun by the drill. Tried using one once.....it removes the paint but you end up having to sand the surface smooth again.......Only used it once......It will leave the rough surface you're looking for!

Rob Russell
01-11-2007, 7:27 PM
What about a Stanley Sureform?

Bob Noles
01-11-2007, 7:33 PM
Great ideas ande fast to boot. That is what I love about SMC.

Ken, I think I have one of those wire wheels in my drill bag some where and will give that my first shot. Being the lazy type, I like the idea of the drill doing the labor :)

Rob, if the power route fails, I'll try the Sureform as my ace in the hole.

Thanks to you both.

"Gary Brewer"
01-11-2007, 7:35 PM
Bob: A few swipes with a rasp ( nicholsen #49 ) should do it.

Kelly C. Hanna
01-11-2007, 7:42 PM
No need...buy cedar fence pickets, they are rough on both sides already.

John Shuk
01-11-2007, 8:10 PM
Fot the inside of bat houses I have used the tip of a nail or screw to rough it up. It works fine and is cheap and easy.

Brad Noble
01-11-2007, 8:22 PM
No need...buy cedar fence pickets, they are rough on both sides already.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!! Ladies and Gentlemen, we HAVE a winner. Very good Kelly, simple cheap and easy. Love it.


Bob Noles
01-11-2007, 8:38 PM
Okay Kelly.......

Now I'm going out to bury my head in the sand :o