View Full Version : Oscillating edge belt/spindle sander

Lori Kleinberg
01-10-2007, 1:52 PM
Okay I got my new Rigid Sander :cool:
Set it up temporarily on workbench to make sure it worked and that the table and everything else was set properly. By the way everything was perfect out of the box :) .
Now I need a place to put it. I thought I would make a rolling cart since space in my shop is at a premium. The question is what is a good height for the whole set up. I was thinking maybe 44" from floor to top of spindle. What do you think? Any ideas, pictures of your set up or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Jim Fox
01-10-2007, 2:03 PM
Just posted my setup in the forum. Plus on my website link has my Sketchup file for it.


Noah Katz
01-10-2007, 2:10 PM
I'd make it match the height of your workbench and/or TS to help support big stock.

glenn bradley
01-10-2007, 2:13 PM
Most setups seem to run at about the height of your elbows. I like my work a little closer to eye level but not so high as to be awkward. This tool is on my list and will probably end up on a flip-top stand with my belt/disc combo occupying the "other" side.

Walt Caza
01-10-2007, 4:56 PM
Hi Lori,
My quick 2 cents...if you invert the little bar clamp, there is less chance
you might accidently poke yourself...
If a set-up dictates I must clamp with dangerous bar end up, I place a
shop rag on top to eliminate injury...
be well,

Jim Becker
01-10-2007, 6:21 PM
Congrats, Lori! I'm glad you were finally able to score your orange dust maker!! :D :D :D

Lori Kleinberg
01-10-2007, 8:32 PM
Thanks Walt, that is just temporary (as in another day or two). Jim F. your cabinet is pretty much what I want. I think I might steal your design ;) .
Jim B., my family convinced me to go out to one of the county HD that had it in stock. They seemed more excited about getting it then I was :D :D .

Don Bullock
01-10-2007, 9:04 PM
Lori, congratulations on your new sander. I have heard nothing but good reviews of it and hope that one will be in my shop in the not too distant future. Let us know how you like it and what you use it for.

John Terefenko
01-10-2007, 10:03 PM
I had asked this question about osscilating edge sanders on this site not long ago and someone suggested this one. I see Jim has one can you or anyone else give a report on them. I was looking at them just yesterday and looks like a nice set-up. I am not interested in the spindle sander though for I have one of those. Lori when you try yours out maybe you too can give some feedback.

Mitchell Andrus
01-10-2007, 10:49 PM
Be sure to keep the small roller (idler) lubed. It's just got a brass bushing and WILL wear out. I've done it.

Jim Fox
01-10-2007, 11:27 PM
I haven't had a lot of call for it yet, but I like it. I got it on a price matching deal at HD one day, couldn't pass it up.

I had asked this question about osscilating edge sanders on this site not long ago and someone suggested this one. I see Jim has one can you or anyone else give a report on them. I was looking at them just yesterday and looks like a nice set-up. I am not interested in the spindle sander though for I have one of those. Lori when you try yours out maybe you too can give some feedback.

Jules Dominguez
01-10-2007, 11:29 PM
I bought one of the Ridgid sanders a couple of weeks ago and am in the process of building a permanent stand for it. I'm puttting it on casters and making the top of the stand about 30 inches high because that puts the top of the sander at a comfortable height for me. I'm building six drawers into the stand to hold an assortment of drums and belts, and other stuff in my shop that doesn't have a good home.

Noah's suggestion to match the working height of the sander with another table in your shop is worth considering, though, because the sander table isn't large enough to support large curved workpieces while maneuvering them around the drum. I had to use a portable stand for that the first time I used the sander, and that's not an ideal solution.

Lori Kleinberg
01-11-2007, 10:49 AM
Thanks for the suggestions. I need to keep the set up as low profile as possible in order to store it where I plan. Of course my husband doesn't know yet that he will have to do some rearranging of shelves :eek: but I figure I have time to let him know after the cabinet is complete and sitting in the middle of the garage :D :D
I did try the belt part on some small boxes that I mitered pretty badly:rolleyes: . Actually the corners came together real well but the sides
were not exactly even, don't know how I screwed that up :confused: . Anyway, I sanded them on the rigid. It did a nice job. The speed is not excessive and the piece was easy to control.

Noah Katz
01-12-2007, 6:25 PM
" got it on a price matching deal at HD one day, couldn't pass it up."

Price matched against who? I thought HD was the only place that carried Ridgid.


Jim Fox
01-12-2007, 7:21 PM
I got lucky really...........It was when Lowes had some sale going on or something. I asked the aisle clerk if that applied to all tools, he checked with his manager and the answer was yes. So I took the opportunity.