View Full Version : Dining room table sizing question

Martin Lutz
01-10-2007, 12:39 PM
Is there a standard per person width to allow for when sizing a dining room table for length? I have been asked to consider building a table that seats 10 closed, 20 open. thanks for the help.

bill walton
01-10-2007, 12:48 PM
I've got a pdf saved from somewhere I cannot recall that has common dimensions and other data for different types of furniture. I cannot seem to upload it as an attachment but you can email me and I will send it to you. It says that 29 inches per person along the side of a table is the norm but it also discusses other types of seeting configurations.

John Timberlake
01-10-2007, 1:15 PM
In an old article in Fine Woodworking (issue #9), Tage Frid says that a dining table should be between 29" and 31" tall and be about 42" wide. He suggests that 24" per person is the minimum for comfort. Don't skimp on this for adults, but you can reduce some if you are using a bench with a number of smaller children. For your current project, that means that your table would have to be 10 feet long and expand to 20 feet. It does not really matter whether you put someone on the end or not. It there is someone on the end, then the end 12" on each side will not be very usable for seating. These are not hard and fast numbers, but are a good guideline.

Jeff Patrick
01-10-2007, 3:26 PM
24" Minimum per person. That will feel crowded. 30" is optimum. More is always better until people are so spread out they have to shout. Allow space in the center for dishes. Each person needs about 18" depth for themselves. A properly sized table can get very big in a hurry.

Don Bullock
01-10-2007, 3:52 PM
Another thing to consider is table cloth sizes. If the person you are designing the table for will be using table cloths you will need to know the dimensions of those as well. Some people have table cloths that have been handed down in the family that they use for their tables. Now, if your table is made out of some beautiful wood, maybe you can convince them to use place mats instead.

Martin Lutz
01-10-2007, 4:02 PM
All great information, thanks. It looks like they are going to need to seat less people or remodel the dining room.:) I wonder which they will choose? I think I like the 29 to 30" range. Thanks for the help.