View Full Version : St. Jude Auction

Keith Burns
01-09-2007, 9:48 PM
I just thought I would bring this back to the front burner. The contest/auction deadline is coming up quicker than any of us think. Haven't read the rules lately but I think it's the end of the month. If you don't want to enter the contest, thats fine, I didn't. But whats more important than the contest is the Charity we, the SMC Turners, are raising money for. Put up a piece, a pen, a box, a bowl, anything that you have turned for the auction. I guarantee you that whatever amount we, the SMC Turners raise will be put to good use. Who knows, it might be the exact amount needed to find a cure. Sorry for rambling, but I know this group is a genorus bunch and we can all be a part of this effort.

Barry Stratton
01-10-2007, 12:11 AM

Good post Keith!

John Hart
01-10-2007, 6:28 AM
I'm working on mine. Slowly but surely. I think I'll hit the deadline. If not, I'll put a box of shavings up on the auction block! (they're nice shavings....multicolored, aromatic....just beautiful):)

Steve Schlumpf
01-10-2007, 9:33 AM
I've got my fingers crossed that the event will be highly successful! I know everyone's heart is in the right place and would love to see something like this happen again in the near future!

Mark Pruitt
01-10-2007, 11:02 AM
Well, thank goodness my ortho surgeon said I could resume turning on the 25th, which will allow me time to get something in!

Another thought: We might also consider a simple monetary contribution in addition to what is auctioned off. Maybe that's what Keith was saying and I was just too dense to realize it.:rolleyes: :p

Ben Werner
01-10-2007, 11:09 AM
I'll be putting a couple of mushrooms in later today! :D:D.... and maybe a stamp holder too! depends how much i get down on my snow day :D:D

John Hart
01-10-2007, 11:26 AM
Well, thank goodness my ortho surgeon said I could resume turning on the 25th...

Rock-n-roll!!!! Cool!:)

Kurt Rosenzweig
01-10-2007, 11:56 AM
I've got my fingers crossed that the event will be highly successful! I know everyone's heart is in the right place and would love to see something like this happen again in the near future!

Not to worry Steve! The next one is already in the works!:D

Keith Burns
01-10-2007, 10:30 PM
Well, thank goodness my ortho surgeon said I could resume turning on the 25th, which will allow me time to get something in!

Another thought: We might also consider a simple monetary contribution in addition to what is auctioned off. Maybe that's what Keith was saying and I was just too dense to realize it.:rolleyes: :p

Mark, I wasn't thinking about monetary contributions, although not a bad idea. Those in charge will have to determine that.

We really have a unique opportunity with this contest/auction. Imangine being able to get a piece that one of your SMC piers has turned while helping a great organization at the same time.

Ernie Nyvall
01-10-2007, 10:53 PM
Well, thank goodness my ortho surgeon

Well if it doesn't, you maight find someone else. Ortho is a bug killer, so an Ortho surgeon... :confused: :confused: :eek:

Mark Pruitt
01-11-2007, 11:13 AM
Ortho is a bug killer, so an Ortho surgeon... :confused: :confused: :eek:
Ernie, my right hand was bugging me, so naturally I went to an ortho surgeon.:D :D

Mark Cothren
01-11-2007, 11:41 AM
Ernie, my right hand was bugging me, so naturally I went to an ortho surgeon.:D :D

Now that's some funny stuff right there... :)

Tom Sherman
01-11-2007, 4:16 PM
Sooo Mark are the buggs gone?

Barry Stratton
01-11-2007, 4:35 PM
Ernie, my right hand was bugging me, so naturally I went to an ortho surgeon.

Best comeback I've seen in a while!

:D :D :D PRUITT 1, NYVALL 0 :D :D :D

Ernie Nyvall
01-11-2007, 6:28 PM
Ernie, my right hand was bugging me, so naturally I went to an ortho surgeon.:D :D

Okay then, makes sense now.

Good one Mark.

Ernie Nyvall
01-11-2007, 6:30 PM
Best comeback I've seen in a while!

:D :D :D PRUITT 1, NYVALL 0 :D :D :D

Barry, Barry, Barry... the guy's hand is hurt... I set'em up.:cool:

Mark Cothren
01-11-2007, 6:33 PM
Barry, Barry, Barry... the guy's hand is hurt... I set'em up.:cool:

Sounds to me like excuses from a guy who is behind 0 to 1.....:D

David Fried
01-11-2007, 6:54 PM
I'll put a box of shavings up on the auction block!

HEY! I was going to make shavings!! Darn ...

Yeah Keith, I recall that deadline. I promised myself I would start right after Christmas. I realized I would need dry wood given the time constraint and my lack of time. Headed over the wood place this past weekend and picked up a little Cherry for this project and got it cut to size on the tablesaw last night (found the tablesaw!) while Avery did some turning. It was a balmy 29 degrees in the shop - much better than last winter! :eek:

I'll start the rough turning tonight and then do some much needed cleaning while Avery gets in some lathe time. It's warmer tonight, 31 degrees.

Need to put the second coat of finish on a piece later so I can buff it out Saturday morning and give it away Saturday afternoon. My first hollow form type thing so I hope I remember to take a picture.

After that the charity piece has top priority so I expect it will get done.

Funny how things work. Went to buy the Cherry and decided to poke around their scrap bin. Found a piece of 8/4 Walnut 15" long and 4" wide that they discarded because it had a knot. The knot was followed by 12" of burl!!! It cost me $3.00 .. splurged on a Mahogany off cut for 1.00 and big chunk of Basswood for Avery to practice with for a 1.00. Seems no good deed goes unpunished.

Scott Donley
01-13-2007, 4:07 PM
Thanks for posting this Keith, yes, time is getting short! What better excuse could you have to turn something even when you have other things to do than help out those that really need YOUR help. We have an opportunity to do something really great as a group, so lets see those that can, do ! Thanks !

PS: Besides, Andy does not have enough to do ;)