View Full Version : Another loose tenon question

Jesse Thornton
01-08-2007, 12:22 PM
I'm about to build some cherry cabinet doors with loose tenon joinery. I was planning to just mill the loose tenons from cherry, thinking it would be best to use the same material as the rail and stiles. However, I came across this the other day:

...and have since been wondering if any strenght is compromised by using maple or birch tenons to join cherry (or any other differing species for that matter). Would potentially different expansion rates/moisture levels have any measurable effect on something so small? I would be using the 3/8" ones, cut 2" long (1" into each peice). Would it be worth the extra time and expense to mill my own tenons out of cherry, or will these (or another brand of loose tenons) do as good a job?

Mike Cutler
01-08-2007, 2:31 PM
They should be fine Jesse. Specific gravity of birch and maple is .71. The specific gravity of cherry is .56. Expansion/contraction should not be an issue with these loose tenons. The maple and the birch are stronger than the cherry.
Here is a link for physical properties of common hardwoods.


Jim Becker
01-08-2007, 2:55 PM
You can use any species that doesn't have radically different movement characteristics from your primary wood. But it is a good way to use up those scraps that are not appropriate for viewing, but sound otherwise.

Aaron Beaver
01-08-2007, 2:59 PM
I like those flutes they put in theirs, I think I may have to put some type of score in mine. Maybe just some very shallow divots with the table saw.