View Full Version : Any Metal Spinners here?

Perry Holbrook
01-06-2007, 9:34 AM
I have been wanting to find out more about metal spinning for some time now. They teach a week end class at John C Campbell occassionally, but I haven't been able to fit it into my schedule. I've never actually seen it done, but think it sounds very interesting and looks like the possible end product might fit into my general product line for galleries.

Anyway, I have an opportunity next week to spend a day with a guy that spins pewter on a wood lathe. He says that in a day he will take me from concept thru pattern/form making to spinning a finished piece. I'm excited about this rare opportunity and want to take full use of his generosity.

If there is anyone here that spins metal or has seen it done, could you share what you feel are the most important tasks to master so I will be sure to get them right.

If there is any interest, I'll try to take some pics thru the day and share them.

Thanks, Perry

Ken Fitzgerald
01-06-2007, 10:26 AM
Perry.......I spent the last 8 months of my 8 years in the Navy on board a subtender. It is a repair ship for submarines. I used to spend hours watching the machinists turn metal on a lathes and milling machines. I don't have any advice but it sure was interesting and beat watching tv every evening. My family was in Illinois and I was in Charleston, SC. and I was living aboard. I'm sure you'll enjoy the adventure. I found it somewhat mesmerizing. Like woodturning and certain aspects of my professional endeavors it made me think about physical dimensions and processes in 3 dimensions. Enjoy and please report back about your experience!

Jim Becker
01-06-2007, 10:58 AM
I've seen articles from time to time on this, Perry, and find it interesting how the flat metal is bent using tools similar to, but obviously different, from our wood turning tools to form said metal into useful (or beautiful) things, either with or without a wooden form. Go for it...it fits very nicely into your multi-media work!

Paul Engle
01-06-2007, 11:16 AM
Perry , check out diy's web site , they had a show on last fall where Dave spun a bowl with a student . very cool and of course Dave made it look pretty easy. Good luck with it.

Pete Jordan
01-06-2007, 11:26 AM

If you go to the Alabama Woodturner site :http://www.bama4u.org/video.htm
they sell videos of club demos for $15. The Dave Hout series has three DVDs and one of them is dedicated to metal spinning. You get all three for $15 and they are very informative and a pleasure to watch.

Perry Holbrook
01-06-2007, 12:59 PM
Pete, thanks for the link. Dave Hout is the guy that teaches the class at JC Campbell.


Charles McKinley
01-06-2007, 4:49 PM

Lindsay Technical books publishes books on this and several other interesting subject that are all but a lost art form. It is a very interesting catalog.

If you can please ask David if he recomends any of the books that they sell on the subject.

Wes Bischel
01-06-2007, 5:00 PM
I have been exploring spinning for a while - but haven't had the time to get on the lathe. Here are a few links to get you going:

Link to another forum removed (aeh)

Terry has two DVD's which are very nicely done.
Also, The Art of Metal Spinning by Paul Wiley is recent and well done:

You may want to get online with Terry (or get one of his DVD's) before you go for a lesson. I suspect you'll get more out of the hands-on if you've got some good background first.


Martin Braun
01-06-2007, 5:31 PM
I did a little bit of metal spinning in high school. Recently, I started getting intrigued by it again. Terry's DVDs are very good. The first set arrived for Christmas. Hopefully later this spring, I will get around to making the tools & a metal spinning tool rest. Check out Terry's lamp website at http://www.terrytynan.com/ Very nice stuff!

Wes Bischel
01-07-2007, 9:40 PM
Link to another forum removed (aeh)

Ah crap. Perry, I'll send you a PM.
