View Full Version : Another Tool ??????

John Terefenko
01-03-2007, 10:14 PM
It seems the latest craze is a oscillating belt sander instead of a disc/belt sander. I am looking to go one way or the other so am looking for opinions. Also who are the players in the Oscilatting belt sander game??? What is the smallest you can buy??? If you are a disc/belt sander person what brand do you have or recomend?? I am thinking in the 12" disc range and whatever belt goes with it. Thanks in advance for the replys. Space is at a premium so I can't have the one Norm Abrams has.:)

Mike Heidrick
01-03-2007, 10:44 PM
The smallest I know of is the $200 Rigid spindle/oscilating belt benchtop model. Very good buy. Sold at home depot.

Todd Solomon
01-04-2007, 12:31 AM
I just got the Rigid from Santa for Christmas- I really could've used this on my previous project.

It got best overall in the latest FWW magazine.

I can't wait to try it.


Jim Becker
01-04-2007, 9:18 AM
It's not a "craze"...it's a reaction to what tool works more functionally for the type of work you want to do. I bought the disk/belt unit and like it, but would have been better served by an edge sander. I just don't use the disk but find the belt quite useful, but too small for some things.

You need to ask yourself what you want to use the sander for and think about what capabilities will best fit that need.

That said, I chose the Grizzly G1276 12" disk/6"x48" belt combo and have been pleased with its operation, etc. It's slower surface speed causes less burning for woodworking usage, but it still cuts well. (Remember, these are shaping tools, not "finishing" tools)

Marcus Carr
01-04-2007, 9:25 AM
I have this sander and would recommend it.


Bill White
01-04-2007, 11:50 AM
Just bought the Ridgid yesterday. Took it out of the box last night. That's as far as I got.
Let ya know soon.

Mitchell Andrus
01-04-2007, 12:06 PM
I've had one (Ridgid) for 6 years and - even though I have a 6X89" horizontal sander, I'd buy another if it went dead.

A service reminder... The idler drum bushing needs to be greased every now and then. DAMHIKT


Bill White
01-04-2007, 12:36 PM
Michael, should I pre-lube the idler before I sart using the sander, and what is the "fan" that's supposed to be installed under the spindle drums? Can't seem to find such a part in the box.

Bill White
01-04-2007, 12:37 PM
SORRY Mitchell. Had a brain cramp with the name. Please excuse.