View Full Version : Maple Burl Pics

Mike Brooks
01-02-2007, 6:05 PM
Howdy ya all. My wife helped me update the pics and hopefully they will be bigger. Thanks Mike

John Hart
01-02-2007, 6:14 PM
Hmmmm...looks like an Ohio license plate.....that puts the target within 200 miles max. Hmmmm. Any other information you'd like to offer on your location? :D

Seriously...the size of those burls, and the number of them, you could pert'near cut any variety of blanks. Did you try hitting them with a hammer to see if they're hollow? I'm just wondering what kind of damage caused the burl....maybe there was a fence there when it was a sapling. Sorry...I'm no help.:o Need Mr. Becker.:)

Ken Fitzgerald
01-02-2007, 6:18 PM
Well MR. HORSEY HART.....those burls are about 3 blocks from my house in Mike's Dad's front yard!

John Hart
01-02-2007, 6:23 PM
Well MR. HORSEY HART.....those burls are about 3 blocks from my house in Mike's Dad's front yard!

That's even better. Now I don't have to drive anywhere.;) Do me a favor Ken. Grab your chainsaw and walk over there....take your cell phone and call me. I'll tell you where to cut.(not that I know anything...but I want to feel useful) You are a good man.:)

Ken Fitzgerald
01-02-2007, 6:32 PM
John.....this is elk hunting country.....everybody....I mean EVERYBODY including Mike's Dad is armed......Maybe when you come out to help me mount the PM3520B to the "Diving Board"......You can entertain Mike's Dad while I cut the burl....:D

John Shuk
01-02-2007, 8:28 PM
Looks like cancer....better do a burlopsy...Doh!