View Full Version : Need a 1/4 spindle

Larry Fox
01-02-2007, 10:33 AM
I need 1/4 of a fairly small spindle to be used as a piece of molding and am wondering if anyone knows of a place I can buy one (a split turning seemed like the most logical answer). Another option - anyone on the board interested in making it for a fair price?

I flubbed a measurement in my kitchen cabinet project and have a gap of about 3/8" where two cabinets meet at a 90-degree angle. I would like to turn a "frown upside down" as thye say and put something nice in the spot. It only needs to be about 24" long (max - I can provide exact measurement). I need it in all heartwood cherry, sanded and ready to finish off the lathe, and can provide a picture of exatly where it will go.

Anyone know of a source or interested? If someone here is interested, I can provide the stock and we can talk price via PM.

Thanks in advance for your time . . .


Richard Madison
01-02-2007, 11:44 PM
Sounds like what you need is a piece of 1/2" or even 3/4" cherry "quarter round". Could be cut from a dowel. Have seen various hardwood dowels in catalogs. Someone will know where to find them.

Jim Becker
01-03-2007, 10:28 AM
Larry, if what Richard said is accurate, you can do the work at the router table and cut it off on the table saw or band saw. I've successfully made quarter and half-round moldings this way at 1/4" "diameter".

Larry Fox
01-03-2007, 4:34 PM
A piece of quarter-round is exactly what I need but I wanted to make it something a little more fancy with a nice profile and I thought it could easily be done on the lathe.

Doug Collins
01-03-2007, 5:24 PM
I seem to recall from 7th grade shop class that we turned half spindles by ganging together two 1 x 2's about 4 inches longer than needed, gluing them together at just the ends, then turning them to the desired shape.

When we cut off the glued ends off we had a matched set of half spindles.

Could you do the same thing with (4) 1 x 1 pieces of stock? When you cut them apart you'd have 4 matching quarter spindles.

Just don't cut them off when they're spinning or they'd come apart on you.

John Hart
01-03-2007, 7:44 PM
I'll do it Larry. If you supply the wood and draw a full scale template of what you want. I'd turn the spindle then cut it into your quarter round on the saw afterward.

John Hart
01-03-2007, 8:11 PM
Ooops....Check that. I just ran out to the shop. I remembered that I had a 3 foot long cherry 4X4 that had a bit of a split in it. I was going to chop it up and throw it in the fire. Anyway, I just threw it on the tablesaw...dull blade and everything. Managed to get two clear 2X2s out of it. So...If you decide that you don't trust me (and I wouldn't blame you a bit ;) ), I can send you the wood and you can have someone else turn it. (no charge of course)

Oh...I gotta tell ya...if you ever want your shop to smell like a piece of heaven...cut up some cherry with a dull TS blade. Wow.:)

Jim Becker
01-03-2007, 8:39 PM
A piece of quarter-round is exactly what I need but I wanted to make it something a little more fancy with a nice profile and I thought it could easily be done on the lathe.

I think I understand what you need, Larry. You want a small split turning, quartered with a profile of coves, etc. Yes, the lathe is the right tool...that small does present some challenges to avoid breaking it when the quarters are pulled apart after profiling, depending on the actual size. If you can post a sketch of what you want showing the approximate sizes, it will help anyone decide if they can help you out.

Larry Fox
01-08-2007, 11:04 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys. Bruce S and I have been corresponding via PM and I am going to send some stock and he is going to do it for me.

I really have no profile in mind - I have given Bruce full creative license. :)

Bruce Shiverdecker
01-09-2007, 2:29 AM
BOY ARE YOU in trouble!:D :D :D :D
