View Full Version : Sailboat Cockpit Table ??

Benjimin Young
01-01-2007, 7:54 PM
Building a cockpit table is on my project list for the winter. Has anyone ever built one or came across some unique designs/plans?

Dave Richards
01-01-2007, 9:09 PM
I haven't built one but I would suggest you take a look at a book called 25 Woodworking Projects for Small and Large Boats edited by Peter Spectre and Published by WoodenBoat. See here. (http://www.woodenboatstore.com/prodinfo.asp?number=325-107)

Also, you might want to peruse the other books they have to offer. I imagine there would be some useful information there.

Steve Schoene
01-01-2007, 9:41 PM
What is your boat? I've built a simple one for my tiller steered Tartan 30, but it may not be appropriate for a Hickley 42.

Steve Dewey
01-02-2007, 9:52 AM
go to http://www.edsonmarine.com for some ideas if you want a pedastal mounted table.

Neil Lamens
01-02-2007, 12:32 PM
JEEZ Steve..............of all the boats you mention....its a Hinkley. By the way after 4 past yearly Race Week attempts, my wife and I finally beat are memisis this past summer who drives/sails a Tartan30. We can now kick back our intensity.

I have 2 new tillers I need to do for club members this spring, they may not go in a Hinkley,.....but with my Ashe/Mahogany and just a hint of walnut detail, if they made a Hinkley with a tiller, mine would fit right in.

Thanks for that book tip Dave!!!!..That should kick-start Ben's cockpit table.

Ben one design suggestion, add an extra grog/cup holder!!!:)

Dave Richards
01-02-2007, 1:05 PM
I'd think for what Hinckley gets for one of their boats, the cockpit table would be included. Go to Southwest Harbor, ME sometime and take a look at the boats on the Hinckley moorings.

Their new DS42 looks pretty sweet for frozen snot. ;)

I'll be those ash/mahogany/walnut tillers will be works of art, Neil. Are you going to add some cockscombing at the handle end?

Benjimin Young
01-02-2007, 10:16 PM
Dave, that looks like an interesting book, thanks

Steve S., it's a CS with a wheel. Love to see your tiller table design though.

Steve D., I hope to expand on the typical folding leaf design but may utilize the Edison mounting hardware. I would like to come up with some sort of a removable extension piece so the total folded table could be 24-26W x 36L with the extension attached.

Neil/Dave, do I detect a little club/boat kibitzing? ;-)

I have a fair bit of white ash in my shop, how do you think it would fair as a table?

Only 4 months to launch, I better get busy at my winter hobby.


Dave Richards
01-03-2007, 8:09 AM

I call foul! You can't say, "Only 4 months to launch..." without telling us what you're working on. It's just not fair. :( :D :D

Even if that book doesn't have what you're looking for, I'm sure you'll find it interesting.

Neil's in a different class than I am. He races and wins. I consider it an excellent day of sailing if I manage to get back to the dock with the boat even if only the masthead is above the surface. :D

Oh, and you have to post pictures or Tyler, the Chief of the Picture Police will get you.

Tyler Howell
01-03-2007, 11:33 AM
Built a couple, repaired a couple, set up a bunch for cocktails:cool: .
Edson has some unique brakets that fit on the binicle(SP?) that work real slick.
Cockpit movement is real critical. You don't want it in the way or too big.

Neil Lamens
01-03-2007, 11:44 AM
Hey Ben..............Dave flatters me with my "Cayard-ness" as Owen Wilson would say then tweaks me with "cockscombing".........JEEZ Dave I just learned "the rabbit goes around the tree"....I should hit you with a "platter ring" :). Dave I'm leaving the "cockscombing" to the weekend commodores because quite frankly I'm Knot sure it would look good. I have a picture of you as the confident Jack Sparrow, masthead high after a day at sea. of course working Sketch-up.

Dave Richards
01-03-2007, 1:37 PM
:D :D What's a "platter ring"?

You need to change your image of me. It should really be something more like Bill Murray in What About Bob. :D

"rabbit around the tree." You may me spew coffee on my keyboard! :p