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View Full Version : Engraving pens on Epilog

Mike Klafehn
01-01-2007, 12:08 PM
This is for the Epilog Helix users out there. Brand new to laser engraving with my Helix.

I have created a template for engraving pens. What is the most efficient method for focusing on the pen area you want to engrave?

Carol VanArnam
01-01-2007, 1:14 PM
Mike- I've got a Helix and wow I've got a pen jig as well. I'll try and figure out how to attach the jig to this posting. I cut it out of 1/4 inch acrylic. You could use Baltic birch. You can do 1 to 48 pens. You are probably new to Corel as well. You can take the jig and make it smaller for smaller amounts of pens. If you need help with that let me know and I can do it for you. I have a jig I use for small jobs and it only holds 12 pens- easier to use for quick small jobs.

What type of pens do you want to use? This jig is for the type of pen that has a clip on it.

Focusing.... my epilog moves over and auto focuses by itself using this jig that's why I like it. You can load it up with pens. Leave your lid open on your laser (this is safe on an epilog because it will run but no laser will come out. Turn on the red dot pointer so you can watch the job run). and hit the print button. You can watch the laser move over to the pen, do it's auto focus then it goes to each pen and engraves.

Do you know the blue tape trick? You know the blue painters tape? You can put a little on your pen, turn the power down on your laser to about 5 and run your raster job. The laser will mark the tape but not go through it to cut the pan. Try it on just 1 pen and then you can check your jig and your auto focus feature. It's a cool trick.....

I buy my pens from A&B Supply and this jig works for their pens really well as well as Laserbit pens. http://www.absupplydesign.com (http://www.absupplydesign.com/)

POSTING THE JIG… it’s larger than the permitted amount for this forum so I can’t post it. I’ll have to email it to you if you want it. Just let me know…. :cool: :cool:

Mike Klafehn
01-01-2007, 1:33 PM
Thanks Carol!

The jig would be great!. My email is images@digicomserve.com

When you auto focus does the focus bulb focus on one of the pens? Maybe your jig will explain that.


Carol VanArnam
01-01-2007, 1:49 PM
Mike- I just sent you the jig via email. It's a 3mb file so don't get scared. The answer to your question is yes (on the auto focus thing). I turn the metal clip all the way to one side then raster on the side of the pen. You can then turn the pen all the way to the other side and laser the other side. This allows the auto focus to work.

I personally don't like to laser the lower part of the pen just the top of the pen. On the jig it gives you a reference point for where to type your text. :)

Mike Klafehn
01-01-2007, 3:07 PM
We have pens! Thank you so much for the jig. Works great! I found it was easier to manually focus on a pen, because the bulb kept going off the edge. No big deal, just took a second or two on one pen, then all the rest were fine. Engraving looks great. This is one fast machine for doing these.

Carol VanArnam
01-01-2007, 6:00 PM
where do you buy your pens? what kind of wood are you using.... i make about 48 at a whack... it's good money.... i just found a new source and wow i like their price....

Bob Yeager
01-01-2007, 7:36 PM
Carol (and others) Would you care to share your pen and box sources??


Nancy Laird
01-01-2007, 8:23 PM
Bob and Carol and others,

I buy my pen kits from Berea Hardwoods http://www.bereahardwoods.com/new/index.cfm - they have some nice price breaks for quantity--my last order was for 150 kits. They are the suppliers for Arizona Silhouettes http://www.arizonasilhouette.com/, Craft Supplies http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/, Woodworker's Supply www.woodworker.com (http://www.woodworker.com), and others. All of these places also have pen blanks in all sorts of materials--wood, acrylic, stabilized, antler, etc., as does http://ipopperwoods.com/, and we found a place in Florida that sells cocobolo blanks at 100 pc for $50.00-- http://www.cocoboloinc.com/ .

Some of my latest pens were of some black walnut from a tree in my parents' yard that was cut down this summer. I have over 100 maple blanks that were cut from cut-offs from another project in the shop.

I suspect that if you have a cabinet shop or two in your area, you could go in and exchange a pen or two for a trip through their cut-off pile.

As far as boxes are concerned, Craft Supplies http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/, has the best selection and prices, IMHO. They also give quantity breaks and although any boxes you buy these days are made in China, they are of good quality.


Carol VanArnam
01-01-2007, 9:16 PM
Nancy- how does lasering the black walnut come out looking? Can you get any contrast so you can see the laser work?

Carol VanArnam
01-01-2007, 9:32 PM
We all know we can buy our pens and boxes from Laser Bits. I think they are a bit too high pricewise.

I just found this company and am very happy with their pen-pencil sets and boxes. The only sell rosewood and walnut. The price is just way better than everyone else.

what i like is for $5.80 I get a box, a pen and a pencil.



Carol VanArnam
01-01-2007, 9:48 PM
continuing with what i was saying....

this is a link to all the stuff I've ordered and lasered....

I ordered 1 on each of their wood pen/box items and lasered the stuff. Came out really great. The product on the pens, pencils, boxes was about a 9.5. All their stuff comes with a lifetime guarantee. The down side to these guys is you have to usually order 50 to get the good price but if you consider the higher prices I usually pay it's a great deal.

What i really liked was their box and pen (single). The box is smaller than the usual size so it sleek... Hadn't seen anything out there like it so I liked it....

Sorry if i sound like i'm trying to sell these guys stuff (i'm not) but I was just so exited to find them and they were really easy to work with and had such good prices and good quality.......
I haven't ordered their knives yet to laser on but they look like they got some good stuff. I called the guy and we talked for a long time. He says he doesn't laser just sells stuff on his page.

I also buy maple pens from A&B Supply. Their prices are better than Laser Bits and they sell a bunch more stuff. Sean- the guy that works there is really nice to work with.

Mark Plotkin
01-01-2007, 10:52 PM
the box you show in the photo is availabe from Penn State industries.
www.pennstateind.com (http://www.pennstateind.com) price depends on qty. It is one of our best sellers!

Nancy Laird
01-01-2007, 11:02 PM
Nancy- how does lasering the black walnut come out looking? Can you get any contrast so you can see the laser work?

The lasering was just okay. It was crisp, and we used burnt umber acrylic fill for the lasered names. We were very careful with it, quick on and off so it didn't get into the wood itself.

David is trying to turn a hollow form with another part of the wood and it is very soft and hard to turn - he's getting a lot of tear-out in the hollowing process and it has a lot of checking and cracks - just little ones, but enough that they are going to need to be filled.


Mike Null
01-02-2007, 8:17 AM
I use dowels of different diameters to test and focus. I use black wax shoe polish for color fills on redwood and walnut. Do not use it on light colored woods unless you paint them with some clear finish first.

Vicky Orsini
01-02-2007, 9:56 AM
POSTING THE JIG… it’s larger than the permitted amount for this forum so I can’t post it. I’ll have to email it to you if you want it. Just let me know…. :cool: :cool: Carol, I don't have a Helix. Can I join the "pen jig club" anyway? :D I'd love to see your jig, if you wouldn't mind.

Bob Yeager
01-02-2007, 10:41 AM
This forum is just the BEST!!!

Thank you all for sharing your sources and other technical info. I have had my laser only three weeks and this forum has been the single most helpful source of information to me. I have learned soooo much.

There is so much business out there to be had...we are not threats to each other's business. In my short time in this industry, I have made some new friends.

Thanks again for sharing!


Thad Nickoley
01-05-2007, 10:03 PM
Good evening Carol, I'd love to wee your jig also if you don't mind. My e-mail is smplrmmbrnc@msn.com

Thank you so much, I always make sure and read your inputs.

Michael Lichnock
03-13-2016, 10:01 AM
Hi Guys Im new to the engraving on pens, I have an Epilog 45 mini helix, would like some help on the jig design and also where to gets the best supplies for my buck. I also would like some advise on the setup of the laser, power and speed, thanks everyone

Michael Lichnock
03-13-2016, 10:02 AM
could you please send my the jig design you created also thanks :)

Mike Null
03-13-2016, 12:28 PM

Welcome to SMC. The thread you posted to is 8 years old and most of those people don't post any longer. This may be of some help.

Makrel Johnson
05-02-2016, 12:27 PM
Do you know the blue tape trick? You know the blue painters tape? You can put a little on your pen, turn the power down on your laser to about 5 and run your raster job. The laser will mark the tape but not go through it to cut the pan. Try it on just 1 pen and then you can check your jig and your auto focus feature. It's a cool trick.....

Excellent! I like this idea better than the vector rectangle. Wasn't sure about the tape and the danger of that specific material to the lenses.

Rick Wize
05-02-2016, 8:14 PM
LaserBits sells a jig for engraving pens along with a template for CorelDraw.