View Full Version : 2007 Resolutions

Mark Cothren
12-31-2006, 4:25 PM
I'm sure there are plenty of "I'm gonna drop 20 off the beltline" and "no more smokes" type resolutions for this year... but what about some related to turning? Anybody? Andy gonna resolve to move up a few steps and put some mustard in his shop? Dennis gonna resolve to get that stinkin' flatwork outta his shop and make some round? :D John Hart gonna resolve to thin down his herd of horses? Jim Becker gonna put that Stubby to work and shave some wood? Me gonna clean up my shop so that I can find things? :o (probably not)... Come on, let's hear 'em...

Ron Journeau
12-31-2006, 4:40 PM
Jeez, I dunno...resolutions take such...commitment, and determination, and drive, and and ..a whole lot of adult, mature, responsible qualities that is not inherent to a group of people that are joined together through their interest of wanton destruction of perfectly good pallets or firewood, with their obsession with ROUND and SMOOTH and getting all excited about decomposing wood and irregular growth patterns. Think I'll go for a nap and think it over.

Keith Burns
12-31-2006, 4:59 PM
OK, Mark, having to do with turning, heres mine................I'm gonna quit turning green wood and get back to making segmented turmings!!!:eek:

Christopher K. Hartley
12-31-2006, 5:05 PM
So Mark, I suppose that at the end of this next year you are going to remind us of what we didn't do.:rolleyes: :D

Mark Cothren
12-31-2006, 5:35 PM
So Mark, I suppose that at the end of this next year you are going to remind us of what we didn't do.:rolleyes: :D

LOL... I don't THINK so...:D I'd have to be first on the list if I did that...:o

Mark Cothren
12-31-2006, 5:36 PM
OK, Mark, having to do with turning, heres mine................I'm gonna quit turning green wood and get back to making segmented turmings!!!:eek:

Lies... all lies... you're addicted now... no turning back...

Steve Schlumpf
12-31-2006, 5:50 PM
I’m sure that I am like everyone else here in that I enjoy building on my skills and working towards becoming a better turner.

This year my resolution is to be able to see someone else turn. I have Bill’s DVD (which is great by the way!) but I want to actually be able to see someone – live and in color – turn something, anything – just to see their method of tool control.

Supposedly in February there will be a turning club forming here in the Upper Peninsula. That will be the first club (that I am aware of) for our area and I am anxiously awaiting the chance to be able to talk to other turners in person.

Nancy Laird
12-31-2006, 5:57 PM
My turning resolution is to branch out from the pens and do some more things, like bottle stoppers, letter openers, the screwdriver like Corey did for his dad, magnifying glasses, etc. I also intend to turn at least one small bowl--Woodcraft, here I come!


Bob Noles
12-31-2006, 6:24 PM
I ditto Nancy :D

Stephen Hibbs
12-31-2006, 6:32 PM
my resolutions are to stop dragging my feet about amking a lathe stand so my lil siblings can use it, and to be more patient when finishing pens.

Dennis Peacock
12-31-2006, 6:53 PM
Mine is to improve my turning skills, and start doing more HF's and try a segmented piece or two.

Keith Burns will NEVER stop turning green wood. :p :p :rolleyes: :D

Mark Pruitt
12-31-2006, 7:10 PM
2007 Woodturning Resolutions

Get back into woodturning by the first week in February after recovering from carpel tunnel surgery
Make a stand to hold my Delta Midi and accessories
Acquire a new PM3520B lathe; keep the Midi for travel or for others to use
Meet a few more Creekers
By Fall of 2007, abysserate the LOML
Spend a day with Bill Grumbine ("cash in" my Christmas present!)
Turn a honkin' big somethin-r-nuther on that 3520B
Host a meeting for my local Woodworkers' Guild
Sell at least a couple of turned items on consignment
Join AAWHow's that for a list? I always dream big. We'll see.

Rob Bourgeois
12-31-2006, 7:35 PM
Turn something...anything. Just need to get the shop set up.

Then I want to have a finished turning per week till 2008. ( pens dont count)

Corey Hallagan
12-31-2006, 7:37 PM
My turning resolution is just to keep turning in 2007 and maybe try a couple new things. Who knows, maybe I will even try turning a bowl in 2007 :)..... Barry Stratton isn't around anywhere?


Frank Chaffee
12-31-2006, 7:49 PM
In 2007 I will:
• Move to Arizona,
• Climb out of depression,
• Set up a shop that does not share air with my bedroom,
• Dive headfirst into the Abyss, learning to play with the wonderful gift I received from Creekers last summer,
• And do my darnest to make something nice enough to give to Andy, who has touched me in a way few have in my life (Quiet down Andy, that’s not how I meant it!).

Peace on Earth, Goodwill and Thanks to All,

Ron Raymond
12-31-2006, 8:16 PM
My resolution is easy...simply to start turning. I spent yesterday cleaning out/up "my" half of the garage. Got the brand new Rikon unpacked and mounted on a temporary stand today. Had just enough time before dinner for my son and I to mess around with a piece of poplar stock...turning to round, making some beads, playing with the HF HSS tools. Hey! a skew isn't nearly as scary as I thought it'd be! (Famous last words)

Pete Jordan
12-31-2006, 8:29 PM
To turn a little every day. I am going to start with finials. I bought Cindy Drodzas video and I have a tub full of blanks to practice on. I hope by summer to be able to make presentable ornaments and boxes. I also pledge to rough out bowls so by this summer when school is out I can finish them.
This summer I will also try hollow forms. I have the Oneway setup and a mentor but I need to give a couple of golf lessons in exchange. I hope he retains his patience.

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Mike Ramsey
12-31-2006, 9:39 PM
Try to make up the turning time I lost to emergency surgery the first
of Nov, recovery took the last 2 months....
Redo my shop, insulate it & add a/c.
Try to wear out the Jamieson rig I built.
Spend more time with improving my finishing.
Improve my photography skills.
Make it back to Tn to visit family...& pick up some wood....
Make time for my daughter to learn turning on the old lathe.

Jonathon Spafford
12-31-2006, 10:52 PM
My years resolution is... I am going to invent a cure for tearout :D :D :D

Curt Fuller
12-31-2006, 11:27 PM
I've been tempting fate for the last few years since I started turning. I find it impossible to wear any kind of face shield or use any kind of dust protection. Well for the last few days I've been cleaning and rearranging my corner of the garage I call the shop. On the top shelves I had no less than 1/2" thick of dust. I can only imagine what my lungs look like. So for 2007 I resolve to make myself more conscious of the dust, get a dust collector and try to get used to wearing some sort of dust protection.

Joash Boyton
12-31-2006, 11:40 PM

I'm going to try and turn an "inside out turning"

I'm going to make a steady rest

I'm going to improve on my photography:D

And I'm going to try and turn 16 by the end of the year:D:D

Oh yeah, I'm going to try and clean my shed out at least 3 times a week.....I've got it down to 2 times at the moment....

Happy neeeeeeeew year,


Christopher Hunter
01-01-2007, 12:04 AM
I just want this fun turning stuff to continue and never get boring for me...
that seems to be the thing that stops me from doing everything...
and thankfully there is so much out there to turn, I will be in this for a while ..
oh yea and stop smoking

Jon Shively
01-01-2007, 12:34 AM
Interesting posts so far. Here goes my list:

1. Move out of the garage into the end of the barn and make it a real wood shop.

2. Improve my beginner skills on the lathe.

3. Send $100 donation to the Creek and have all of it come from something(s) sold from my new wood shop.

4. Continue slowing down the madness in my life and enjoy thoroughly what means the most, God, family, health, and time on earth (with horses and lathes!)

5. Finish the kitchen remodel and siding and porch on the house.

Thanks for the ability to wade in this place called the Creek.

John Hart
01-01-2007, 7:55 AM
1. Build a giant lathe
2. Remodel the new shop
3. Shoot any horses that wander on to the property.:eek:
4. Make some jerky from #3.:D

Happy New Year everyone!

Christopher K. Hartley
01-01-2007, 9:19 AM
My years resolution is... I am going to invent a cure for tearout :D :D :DLet's everyone support him in getting a Government Grant for this one. Some of that other foolish stuff the government gives grants for isn't nearly as important to humanity(turners) as this is. Way to go Dr. Jonathon.:D :D :cool:

Christopher K. Hartley
01-01-2007, 9:40 AM
I had to think long and hard on this and then Curt's comments rang the bell.

I've been tempting fate for the last few years since I started turning. I find it impossible to wear any kind of face shield or use any kind of dust protection. Well for the last few days I've been cleaning and rearranging my corner of the garage I call the shop. On the top shelves I had no less than 1/2" thick of dust. I can only imagine what my lungs look like. So for 2007 I resolve to make myself more conscious of the dust, get a dust collector and try to get used to wearing some sort of dust protection.

I do wear face protection most of the time which I illustrated the need for ALL of the time just a few weeks ago. I was using the wire brush wheel on my grinder without eye protection. It was just a quick touch-up so why bother, right? I felt a sudden burning and needle prick and reached up to my cheek. I pulled out a 1 1/2" wire from the wheel that had impaled itself in my face. My first thought was: that could have been my eye!:eek:
The second is my dust collector, I have had an HF 2 HP Dust Collection system since I started turning but I haven't bought the rest of the ducting and hooked it up. I too, need to commit to protecting my lungs.

So in short my resolutions are to always wear my face shield, hook up my dust collection system and oh ya, drive all you guys nuts with questions learning all I can to be the best I can. :)

RL Johnson
01-01-2007, 9:43 AM
Well lets see. I think that I can recycle the 2006 resolutions.
1) Sweep up the 2005 wood chips (and now 2006)
2) Build the lathe stand and retire the Workmate
3) Attach the minilathe extension that has been in the box since 2005
4) Clean out the garage to see if I still have a concrete floor
or maybe save everything for 2008:D

Mark Pruitt
01-01-2007, 9:44 AM
oh yea and stop smoking ---
Good for you! Hard to do but there's no better time than now. Git-R-Undone!;)

Tom Sherman
01-01-2007, 10:12 AM
There seem to be some admireable resolutions here, however I have only made one resolution that I kept...Not to make any more resolutions. I doo like most of the one's posted here though just maybe.......

Ken Fitzgerald
01-01-2007, 10:21 AM
My resolutions for 2007....

1. Get my oldest son, his daughter, his granddaughter, my wife and I together in Illinois and Indiana with my MIL and my Mom for a 5 generation photograph and reunion.

2. Get my daughter, her daughter, her granddaughter, my wife and I together in Illinois and Indiana with my MIL and my Mom for a 5 generation photograph and reunion.

3. Make a major equipment purchase (b/s, d/c, jointer, PM3520B) barring any financial difficulties.

4. Finish a couple of turning projects from 2006.

5. Dismantle the "diving board" and finish the shop including installing the $600 worth of lights that have been stacked in the corner since I got bombed..........

6. Turn a bowl from green wood....DNAd...without any major problems....

7. Turn a HF without any major problems....

8. Buy more turning tools!

9. Continue to find turning a never ending learning challenge this intrigues me and gives me passion as it did in 2006!

Paul Engle
01-01-2007, 10:39 AM
After reading y'all's intents for the new year :D ... i came to the conclusion that Jon was correct , to take a nap .... in fact more naps sounds even better.Happy New year to yawl's, here is wishing you the best of turnings !!!

Paul Geer
01-01-2007, 11:38 AM
This year? No resolutions. No, wait... do more turning. ;)

Barry Stratton
01-04-2007, 2:36 PM
My turning resolution is just to keep turning in 2007 and maybe try a couple new things. Who knows, maybe I will even try turning a bowl in 2007 :)..... Barry Stratton isn't around anywhere?


I resolve to continue harrassing Corey until he turns a bowl....:rolleyes:

01-04-2007, 3:58 PM
1. Clean garage to accomodate my friends lathe that he let me use. DONE
2. Join local turners club. Doing Saturday!
3. Get to know more of you!!!
4. Turn something, anything.
5. Get a reputable lathe and chisels instead of friends HF wanna be lathe and who knows what chisels.
6. Keep the shop (aka garage) able to hold my equipment and a car every once in a while.
7. Try to keep some money in the bank after going into this hobby.:D

Jason Christenson
01-04-2007, 4:29 PM
1. Take Brick Breaker (the game on my Blackberry) more seriously.
2. Catch up on all 6 seasons of The Sopranos.
3. Smoke more.

Matt Wachter
01-04-2007, 4:54 PM
1. Get a lathe.
2. Get a lathe.
3. Turn something so see what the big deal is.

Bernie Weishapl
01-04-2007, 6:45 PM
1.) Help Barry Stratton harrass Corey till he does a bowl.
2.) Help Barry Stratton harrass Bob Noles till he does a bowl.
3.) Take more naps