View Full Version : Shaker table made in high school

Ben Grunow
12-31-2006, 3:13 PM
Here are some pics of a table I made in shop class in 11th grade (15 years ago). The top and legs are maple and the turned pedestal is either oak or ash and I think (cant remember) it might have been a baseball bat in a prior life. I made the bat and I re-turned it after deciding that it was way too small for anything. I am playing around with new camera and thought I would show a little more of my work. Lookingat it now it is funny to see all the glue drips and poor joints but it works and I am happy to have it as a reminder of a good time.

Cant remember what we used for a finish but I think it was shellac or oil based poly? Dont know. Hope you like it.





Cut the top to shape with a jigsaw and hand planed to flat. Bevelled the bottom of the top and ends of top support piece with a hand plane and belt sander. Shaped the legs with jigsaw and made sliding dovetails by hand. I remember sanding the legs several (dozen?) times to get it to sit level.

Corey Hallagan
12-31-2006, 3:39 PM
Very nice! It has served the years well it looks like. My dad made a walnut table in high school that we had in the house growing up and he has it with him up in Northern Iowa in his new home but he says it needs repair and he is bringing it down to me to look at.

Anyway, excellent job!

John Schreiber
12-31-2006, 5:44 PM
That looks mighty nice. I wish I'd accomplished that much back in high school.

Jim Becker
12-31-2006, 6:08 PM
All those...umm...things that you notice...are "character" and "patina". :D :D :D

Very nice table!