View Full Version : A question for all you pen turners...

Shannon Grizzell
12-29-2006, 7:54 PM
So, I'm getting ready to turn my first Holy Land Olivewood pen this weekend. My question is about the finish. I've seen various philosophies on finishing olive on this and other forums. Many folks say they like to keep it simple to let the texture of the wood be the real focus.

For anyone who's turned a HL olive pen I'd like to know how you finished your pen and how the finish has held up.

Thanks in advance!

Ron Journeau
12-29-2006, 8:05 PM
Hi Shannon,
I have used Liberon turning polish with excellent results on the Bethlehem Olivewood, gave it to a dear friend, and he uses it every day. Grain and colour okay as well.

Bob Noles
12-29-2006, 8:49 PM

I have done several BOW pens and I like Lacquer best of any finishes I have used. It certainly brings out the soul of the wood.

Rich Stewart
12-30-2006, 1:51 AM
Try one with nothing on it. Sand to 12,000 MM and then buff. Olive is one of my favorite woods.


Shannon Grizzell
12-30-2006, 8:40 AM
Thanks for the input guys. I like all three ideas. I've never used Liberon before. I've used Mylands and HUT Pen Polish and of course CA and a few with lacquer. Might be time to try something new.

Rich, did you even put wax on it or just MM and buff?

Rich Stewart
12-30-2006, 10:22 AM
No, I put absolutely nothing on it. Shines up like a piece of marble. I have a couple bowls and cups i did this way too and I really like the look. I did put mineral spirits between grits. I don't know if it makes any difference but this was California olivewood. Not Bethlehem.


Tom Sherman
12-30-2006, 11:04 AM
I have a slimline that my wife made for me over a year ago, finish was sanded and burnished with wood shavings. The wood has darkened over time and still has a semi gloss seems to get better with age.

Chuck Beland
12-30-2006, 6:12 PM
I did 6 BOW's with a CA finish.

Wally Wenzel
12-30-2006, 8:36 PM
Shannon, I have turned about a dozen of the designer pens out of BOW and i really like to use Watco spray cans of laquer, i put the turned parts on a 1/4 dowel and hold it while turning and spraying. I usualy do 4 to5 coats with steel wool between shots. The Watco laquer is crystal clear so doesn't give it that amber color like others do.