View Full Version : What is everyone making for Christmass presents

Jim Young
11-13-2003, 10:52 PM
It's gettin real close to that time. I need to get into my shop after a summer off from my shop and make some knick knacks for the relatives. I'm wondering what others have planned.

Kevin Gerstenecker
11-13-2003, 11:58 PM
Jim, I am getting geared up for Christmas Presents as well, and I will be doing flat work as well as turning for some gifts this year. I will be making Pens, Ornaments, Small Boxes and Bird House Ornaments on the lathe. As far as flat work goes...............you guessed it.............a few small, decorative boxes to boot. The Pens are catching on, and I have quite a few orders for them for gifts. With Pens being so enjoyable to make, and a quick project, they will most likely dominate the gift list this year. A few bowls will be thrown in the mix along the way too. Man, as I look back on the list of things I want to get accomplished, I had better "Git after it"! :D Looks like there will be some Photo's posted in the weeks ahead! ;)

Perry Schmidt
11-14-2003, 12:16 AM
Ah yes...I was JUST talking w/ my wife about 'OK, what weekends can I have for Xmas projects' :) 3 Month ago it was just a plant stand.

As of today its:
- Doll cradle for my little girl - almost done.
- plant stand w/ three bent laminate legs (for Mom)
- Free standing Mirror ala David Marks for wife

And things that aren't going to make the Xmas cut, but will be done shortly afterwards (we hope) - belated Xmas presents:
- Lecture podium for teacher friend
- Doll Rocking Chair for other mother
- Cyclone Dust collector for me!!

It's going to be a busy month...


Mike Evertsen
11-14-2003, 1:21 AM
I need to get a recipe box done and wanted to turn some bowls and ornaments but I don't think I'll have the time ,,,,,,I have to get this entertainment center done by Thanksgiving and I just cut up the sides yesterday,,,
only 42 days until the jolly old fat man comes,,,,,,
I'm registered at woodcraft if anyone is wants to know what they get me,,,,,,LOL

Julie Wright
11-14-2003, 7:35 AM
Most are getting pens. I am making a Jewlery box (mahogany) a duck and a goose call, and a pepper mill.

Kevin Swindle
11-14-2003, 7:54 AM
I have been working for a few weeks on a maple and walnut rocking horse for my Grandson. I should have it completed this weekend. After that I start on some cherry display shelves for my step-son and a mission style bed for my step-daugther. I also hope to work in some cutting boards to give as small gifts.

Byron Trantham
11-14-2003, 7:57 AM
I too thought "the list" was short. Silly me.

Six picture frames of various sizes (ready for stain)
Two bed rails (yup, bed rails) (almost ready for stain)
A step stool for a library (a few parts to go)
A glass display stand for a confederate bill (a real one) (not started)
Three magnetic holders for a kitchen utensil (not started)

You know what I like about all these projects? Their small! I can lift them, turn them over or move them anywhere I need without half the neighborhood helping me! Seems like every project I get , lately is huge and it is sure nice to have something to work on that I can manage alone. :D

Bob Lasley
11-14-2003, 9:20 AM
Hi Jim,

For a change, I got a jump on it this year. I have already completed three boxes, four bread knives(ala Wood Magazine article) with matching bread boards, five marble maze games and partially completed two toy cars. Still to go: five music/jewelry boxes, oak tool chest, art box, easel and a couple more misc toys. I think I can get finished by Christmas.


Terry Hatfield
11-14-2003, 9:46 AM

As little time as I have had lately for anything except work and football.....I am most likely handing out hand made IOU's for next year. :D


Earl Reid
11-14-2003, 10:15 AM
I'm planning to start on several rug toys and piggy banks for grand children,niece' and nephews. and a few other items yet to be decided.
Seems I never get everything done. Hope to have china cabinet for LOML, done in a few days.

Mark Patoka
11-14-2003, 10:23 AM
Just finished 3 small potpourri boxes with scrolled tops. In the middle of completing 4 small boxes to hold photos, etc. Still need to complete two mission-style CD holders for my boys and try turning a peppermill for my wife. I'm sure something will get added to the list last-minute.

Tom Sweeney
11-14-2003, 2:20 PM
spalted maple keepsake box - started

Oak "valet" basically a box - actually this is my first "commission" ;) - My sister wants me to make it for my new BIL

A small box to hold tile coasters - that I was supposed to make for my Dad last Christmas :rolleyes:

If I can find some dry wood I'd like to turn a bunch of small turned boxes & maybe a few ornaments & a couple of bowls - maybe I'll just turn the bowls green & let them warp for an artistic look :cool: I have some dry spalted / figured maple that might work for this.

If I can figure out how to get the stuff I need I'd like to turn
some pens also.

If anybody local has some dry wood for the boxes & ornaments - I'll trade you a good sized stained box elder log for it :D

That's about it

Lloyd Robins
11-15-2003, 1:53 AM
Shadow box - keepsake holders for my sisters and their families. I need to get started. I will probably do them over Thanksgiving week, after I finish a a wall and trim project for the LOML.