View Full Version : Daughter's Keepsake Box

Ernie Kuhn
12-26-2006, 1:15 PM
Keepsake box for daughter, finally finished. Curley maple sides, walnut legs and spaltet maple top (resawn and book-matched). Lacquered and Beal-Buffed. Inside lined with sticky-back red velvet. Frog drawer pull for handle since she is partial to frogs.
Critques for improvement of future boxes, please.
TIA for suggestions.

Mike Cutler
12-26-2006, 1:48 PM
Nice. Very nice. The top is fabulous.

As for critques, I would have stayed with the same material for the sides and top. However, that's just me. It looks great as is too.

The frog is definitely cool.

I'm not a big critiquer of others folks work. I look at something and know how much work went into it. With myself I am hyper critical, but I think we all are to some extent.

Larry Fox
12-26-2006, 2:43 PM
Ernie - the only thing that I see that you should have done differently is to mail it to me - there is a spot in my house that would be perfect for it.

Seriously, that is fantastic and I really like the variety of woods. I am indifferent about frogs but the handle is perfect here. The figure in the top under the frog looks like something coming from under to make a snack of Mr. Frog (although you daughter might not like to hear that). :)

Tony Ward
12-26-2006, 3:52 PM
A very nice looking box.

The only suggestion for future boxes is to carve your own handles, how about another frog, that will be really special!

Zahid Naqvi
12-26-2006, 5:13 PM
really nicely executed, the maple top is really good, the frog adds a nice personal touch.

Brad Hammond
12-27-2006, 12:18 AM
wow that's gorgeous! that maple really has some depth too it! great job!

Ernie Kuhn
12-27-2006, 1:19 AM
Thank you all for the kind words. She loved the frog touch.
Tony, you are correct. If I put some together for spec pieces, I will definitely use some type of wood handle, carved if I can.
Again, thank you all.

Lars Thomas
12-27-2006, 8:40 AM
Ernie, that's a great looking box. I like how you laminated the different woods. I think that is one of the things that attracts me to it. Lars

Jim Becker
12-27-2006, 9:49 AM
That's really lovely, Ernie!

Roy Wall
12-27-2006, 9:55 AM
Awesome!!! That has got some "POP" to it!!!!

Marty Mincey
01-04-2007, 7:11 PM
GREAT looking box. May I ask where did you find the frog drawer pull?

Dave Ray
01-04-2007, 8:01 PM
Really nice box, great combination of woods. Love the frog

John Timberlake
01-04-2007, 9:09 PM
Fantastic. I love the combination of woods. And the frog handle is way cool. Great looking finish, too. Love everything about it.

Glen Blanchard
01-04-2007, 9:52 PM
Fabulous looking box Ernie. It is beautiful indeed. Don't ya just love that Beall buffing system for boxes like these?

Hans Braul
01-04-2007, 9:57 PM
Great box! I love the choice of woods and the handle is wonderful.

Thanks for posting

Jake Helmboldt
01-04-2007, 10:14 PM
Ernie, I recently started trying my hand at boxes and that piece gives me some inspiration as I like to find different design elements to experiment with. And I have a small piece of walnut that I have been trying to figure out what to do with. I think I know now.

As for critiques, I don't care for the inside. Oh wait, you didn't show us the inside:eek: . Let's have a look. I'm betting I'll change my mind.;)


Ernie Kuhn
01-05-2007, 4:06 AM
Again, thank you all, too kind and generous, pretty soon I and my ego wont fit through the door at the same time!

Marty, the frog handle actually came from HD in the drawer pull section. It was just off-beat enough to fit with my daughter's taste and I thought, a niece counterpoint to the rich woods, funky, verdigris green, metal, etc. A little different but not as "far out there" an artistic statement as the crude nail in the tall casework that I came across a couple of years ago.

Again, all of you are too kind, thank you so much.

Alfred Clem
01-05-2007, 7:37 AM
A beautiful piece of artistry. Only other craftsmen (and craftswomen) can fully appreciate the patience, skill, and hours that went into this keepsake.

Our Chicago daughter's home recently was visited by a burglar, and her keepsake box and its contents disappeared. So I am at work creating a new box. Hope you don't mind my looking closely at your photos -- because your creation is a model I can only hope to mimic from a distance.

Al Clem
Sedona, AZ

Marcus Carr
01-05-2007, 8:27 AM
I am impressed. That is beautiful.


John Schreiber
01-05-2007, 8:54 AM
That's a beautiful and even more importantly personal gift for your daughter. I'm sure she will appreciate it for the rest of her life.

Ernie Kuhn
01-07-2007, 1:27 AM
Sorry to hear about your daughter's misfortune. I found the plans for the box in one of the woodworking mags. I'll hunt for the article. The only real "tip" in the article was to rout the leg material in a long strip since its safer that way and then cut into pieces for the legs. The taper was penciled on the legs and a disc sander used to achieve it. If I find the article, I will PM you if you want a copy.
Thanks again for the kind words.