View Full Version : Bandsaw Dilemma...Suggestions Please

Scott Halverson
12-26-2006, 10:02 AM
Merry Christmas All,

Well I woke up yesterday, and my wife said your gift is in the back of the Durango. I went for a look, and she picked up a Ridgid BS1400 bandsaw from the local Home Depot.

Here's the dilemma, I have been trying to find a used quality bandsaw for sometime. I did a little research, and the feelings on the BS1400 are kind of mixed. Maybe a little under powered, and the lack of accessories (miter gauge, rip fence, etc.).

It looks like I'll have to spend another $100 or so for a decent fence. I know she put it on the charge card, and paid $350 for the saw.

I guess I'm looking for some options. Should I return this and get a little stonger saw? Anyone else with this saw can convince me to keep it also. I'm having a hard time not opening the box and start the assembly.

I don't want to hurt her feelings too much, but I think she would understand if I decide on another.


Dennis Putnam
12-26-2006, 10:33 AM
Merry Christmas All,

Should I return this and get a little stonger saw?

How comfortable is your couch? :)

Eddie Darby
12-26-2006, 10:37 AM
Make her breakfast in bed and treat her real nice and special. The bandsaw will take care of itself!

Brian Hale
12-26-2006, 10:51 AM
Get what you want.

If the Rigid isn't "The Saw" for you then you'll have that in the back of your mind everytime you use it and never be truly sastified. Worse yet, when "The Saw" does come along you'll have a tuff time convincing yourself (and the LOYL) that you should get it.

Heck, take the money and put it in one of those online savings accounts (4-5% intrest) and add to it when you can. The right saw will come along.

I think she'll understand.

Brian :)

Jim Becker
12-26-2006, 10:52 AM
Tough one, but in the end, I think that honesty should prevail. You say that reviews are not positive and the lack of accessories are going to increase the investment. Suggest you ask the LOYL if she would be amicable to swapping it out to "avoid the problems that others have experienced" with that particular machine...and be clear that you'll be kicking in any difference in cost.

Don Bullock
12-26-2006, 11:12 AM
That's a tough one for sure. What saw were you hoping for? It's possible to explain to you wife the joy of receiving such a thoughtful gift, but with just a little more cash you can get the one you truly wanted. Is there any jewelry she wants? Sometimes that helps. My wife had a necklace she calls her lake pipes because she bought it for herself the same day I was buying some lake pipes for our custom PT Cruiser. Just a thought. I was very fortunate this year -- my in-laws gave me gift cards to Sears so that I could buy a Craftsman 14" BS. My LOML made up the difference. Good luck.

Paul Douglass
12-26-2006, 11:51 AM
Boy, I'm glad I not in your shoes!;) I'm a coward, years ago my wife bought me a Craftsman 16" v.s. scroll saw. To me it is the worst scroll saw ever made. I've put up with it for at least 20 years, because she thought she had really done me good! This year I finall bought me a new one, a DW788. If I had to do it all over again, I'd keep my wife happy and suffer. She's a good lady. Lucky I never did much scroll saw work. Now I will. My daughter gets the old one.

Ken Belisle
12-26-2006, 12:06 PM
Look at it this way: If you bought her an item of clothing that she really didn't like, didn't want or wouldn't buy for herself, would she keep it & wear it?? If you can honestly answer yes to that question, then I you should probably keep the saw. Otherwise, explain to her that you would not have bought that particular model yourself because............................and give her all the reasons why.

And on your way back from HD, stop & buy a really nice piece of jewlery. :D :D :D

Cliff Rohrabacher
12-26-2006, 12:08 PM
Long ago I started a campaign of bafflement and BS anvbout the supremely sophisticated ins'and-outs of fine machine toos design and engineering. I did this to ensure that My Missues would never - never - ever undertake to take some drooling moron salesman's word for what I wanted. She won't so much as buy me a box of nails.
And that's a good thing.

On the flip side I ain't so stupid as to think I know what fine garments she'd like., If I want to buy hwe a dress I gove hera gift certificate to Ann Kline or Talbots. After all she's got to wear the thing.

Now jewlery is a thing where my confidence has never been shaken. If the number of diamonds in a tennis bracelet can't be counted in one minute then it's got enough. They gotta go all a way around tho, no half coverage jobs.

Roy Wall
12-26-2006, 12:09 PM

I just read about another Creeker that has this Sears Bandsaw...


You are correct....another $79 gets you this saw....which looks pretty good - and a lot more features than the Rigid. I like the fact it is a 'one piece' and you get 8" of resaw. 1 hp and two speeds, light, fence, CI wheels...all better features.

Mike Seals
12-26-2006, 12:25 PM
Tell her how much you love her and thank her for the present. Then tell her how you plan on redoing the kitchen in a decor of your chosing. If your wife is like mine she'll drop you in your tracks.

On a serious note, show her the differences in the saw you want and the one she bought. I just bought the Sears 14" and I'm happy, and I did look at the Rigid. If your wife is like mine, she'll tire of the explanations and just tell you to get it.

Wifes don't buy tools and men don't buy paint.

glenn bradley
12-26-2006, 1:24 PM
I'm sure she'll understand. She got the saw for you based on knowing you and doing something special FOR you. The "gift" was in the thought that went into getting the saw. Exchanging it for one you'll be more happy with will probably make her more happy as well. Go for it.

scott spencer
12-26-2006, 1:32 PM
The (insert brandname here) bandsaw from your wife is the best that money can buy! :D Honestly, the value of her act is priceless, and the Ridgid should be able to be made to function as you'd like....even if it means adding a fence, a riser block, or eventually a bigger motor....chances are good that a good blade, tuneup, and fence will have it running well enough, and you'll cherish her thoughtfulness every time you use. Even if it's not technically a "perfect tool", it should cut wood and make memories for you.

I don't think this is much of a dilemna at all....

John Bailey
12-26-2006, 1:43 PM
Thank your wife for the fine machine for "scrolling." Then explain that you can now start keeping your eye out for a larger "resaw" machine.


Charlie Plesums
12-26-2006, 2:17 PM
Back when I had multiple Ridgid tools, and spent time on the Ridgid tool forum, that bandsaw was the only Ridgid tool that even the loyal Ridgid users didn't like. It has been a couple years, but you might want to check out the discussion on that forum, and see if things have improved.

You might check the forum for hints on setting it up, and if you find bad reviews, share your concern with your wife. Her reaction will help you decide whether to "suck it up" or "take it back."

Rick Gooden
12-26-2006, 2:21 PM
I just discussed this situation with my wife (very sweet, very sensitive). She said she would have no problem because she would want me to be satisfied above all else. She also said she would explain the situation to me if I bought the wrong kitchen gadget. Hope this helps.

Marcus Carr
12-28-2006, 12:05 PM
She said that she would much rather that I exchange it for the tool I really wanted. Her goal would have been to provide me with something that will be a joy to use, not a burden. Admittedly, she is not up on her tools, so it would be reasonable for me to make an exchange. All her words.


Adam Bauer
12-28-2006, 12:14 PM

May I make a suggestion? In this months issue of WOOD magazine is an ad for Grizzly tools. At the bottom of the ad is a "Media Code" (WOODMO612). This code is actually a code for 100 dollars off any item in the ad. I called grizzly this morning just to check. Listed in that ad is the Grizzly G0555 bandsaw. Its onsale for 395 dollars plus 65 dollars freight. After the discount and freight your total cost will be $360.00 this is a nice saw and a lot of people here have it and can give you reviews of the machine. However the sale on the saw and the media code expire on the 31st so you'll need to act soon.

EDIT:: Well nevermind. The people are Grizzly are confused and don't know what they are talking about. I called this morning before seeing the WOOD magazine ad and mentioned nothing more than the media code and was told the code gets you 100 dollars off any item listed in the ad. So at lunch I went and bought the magazine and then called to order the G0555 bandsaw. What was I told..... The code gets me 35 dollars off...... of the regular full price of 425. This brings the price of the item down to the same price I can just order it off their website for. And definately not enough to get me to buy the G0555 bandsaw now. Plus when I questioned why I was told this morning that the code got me 100 bucks off all I got were "I don't know's". Good to see the people at Grizzly have their act together! And to top it all off I wasted 6 bucks on a copy of wood magazine!

larry merlau
12-28-2006, 1:45 PM
well scott i have been married for 32 years and have learned from the school of hard knoocks in some of these instances.. but in this case the only way you wil win is if you tell her what yu think and why and then take it back and get what you want or can afford. i had jacket once that wasnt me at al but i tset in the closet for 6 years wore once finally she asked why i didnt wear it.. i told her and she told me that if i had told back theno culd have gotten the one o wanted and as for tools goes she has learned that i get them and she gets the sewin stuff or her duds.. what i think looks good or is neat isnt always what they see in it.. jim B is on the road to along marriage with his attitude and ideas// and he wont suffer as much i have for my mistakes in the past:)

Scott Rebello
12-29-2006, 1:01 PM
I got the Ridgid BS, a floor model for $209 last month. New urethane tires,timberwolf blade some plywood to firm up the stand and it runs very smooth and has cut all the wood Ive sent though it. Only resawn some 4-5 inch beech, just to play around. Fabulous cut without any grief. Shop built fence until I get a Kreg. I think someone already said to enjoy what you wife got you...