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View Full Version : anyone ever make rubber stamps I am lost

Karin Voorhis
12-23-2006, 10:44 AM
I am so lost with this one. I have a laserpro and it has a stamping mode in the driver. However I have no idea what I ment to do with it. I just tried a simpile stamp and I cut the lettering and not the outer backgound.

Can anyone help with the layout and settings for this type of work????

Perhaps a test file would help too. I am just doing this fo rmy personal enjoyment not a job or anythign so it is not an emergency just self gradification.

Mitchell Andrus
12-23-2006, 10:52 AM
In the driver's window, go to general > properties. There, click "Invert". There are a few ways to get the results you're after... this will likely work.

Try a test before running for real.

Karin Voorhis
12-23-2006, 11:00 AM
Thanks I did that. do I have my text outlined red? filled black or just black outline?

Mike Null
12-23-2006, 11:57 AM

Just make up your art work as if you were making a label. No outlines. Then invert it (everything that was black will be white and vice versa) If you want the laser to do the cutting out of the stamp then do an outline in whatever your vector color is. (usually red)

What you're engraving is the area that surrounds the lettering leaving the lettering to stand above the rest of the stamp.

Gary Shoemake
12-23-2006, 2:58 PM
Try this link. It uses engravlab but the principle is the same. Signwarehouse Pinnicle is the same as a Laser Pro.

Good Luck and Happy Holidays

Karin Voorhis
12-23-2006, 8:56 PM
Thanks I got it cut right now but I thinnk something is wrong but now I need some ink pads to test it out errrrr... always something. That is ok got my 15 year old niaghbor over making last minute gifts for his family up now so we are busy and out of trouble. Cool night!!!!!!

Happy holidays and thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!