View Full Version : ...loft shop barn doors (pics)

Walt Caza
12-22-2006, 9:48 PM
Good Day All,
This summer I started improving my loft shop. There was no way my
new SawStop cabinet saw was going up the stairs, so I cut in some
barn doors. I salvaged the old siding from the cut-out for a good match.
I chose to keep the original centered window.

I left a gap around the full perimeter stops for 3/8' foam weatherseal tape,
to try and keep my expensive heat in during winter.
I claim to be no framer but it worked out alright.
I normally keep a 2x4 safety rail across waist height, as the first step is a doozey! (9 foot drop)

The breeze and the access and the view were worth the trouble.
It is handy for sheetgoods, and machinery.
I recall Jim Becker mentioning he might do the same...so I thought I'd post.
be well,

Jim Becker
12-22-2006, 9:56 PM
That's a REALLY nice job, Walt! I also like how it "disappears" into the structure when not in use.