View Full Version : First coat of finish on little fumed cherry clock *pic*

David Eisan
11-11-2003, 11:52 PM
Dear All,

I managed to find a few minutes to put the first coat of finish on my little cherry clock tonight,


I fumed it with 26% blue print ammonia in a sealed plastic tent for about 36 hours. For a finish I am using 1/6 pure tung oil, 1/6 boiled linseed oil, 1/3 satin defthane and 1/3 turps. I flood it on, leave it for 20-30 mintues then wipe off all the excess.

You can see a 1" wide board between the two doors that didn't get fumed, but I put some finish on to see the contrast.

I like this better than the lye, Shim, your off the hook, and *much* better than the RBS shtuff. Two or three more coats, some wax, and then it will be, "time for some assembly..."



Every neighbourhood has one, in mine, I'm him.

Jim Becker
11-12-2003, 9:39 AM
That turned out beautifully, David. I'm looking forward to seeing the final shots as I think I mentioned that I'll be building a similar clock for our kitchen this winter. The more of them I see, the more I love this design. I think that yours is going to be awesome!

Brad Hammond
11-12-2003, 1:17 PM
That turned out beautifully, David. I'm looking forward to seeing the final shots as I think I mentioned that I'll be building a similar clock for our kitchen this winter. The more of them I see, the more I love this design. I think that yours is going to be awesome!

NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT!! i love that color!!

thanx so much for posting
