View Full Version : 4/4 or 5/4 stock for 1/2" drawers

Alex Berkovsky
12-20-2006, 8:57 AM
If I am going to make 1/2" drawers, is it better to use 5/4 stock and resaw it or 4/4 and plane it down to 1/2"?

Jim Becker
12-20-2006, 9:05 AM
Alex, I actually start with 8/4 poplar and resaw to three 1/2" boards after jointing flat/thicknessing. If you have to start thinner, you should be ok with 5/4 stock if it's nearly flat or flat before milling. If you have to face joint much to flatten, you'll be cutting it close, pardon the expression, for getting two finished 1/2" boards. I always try to avoid taking 4/4 stock down below 3/4" if I can avoid it...it's a waste of a lot of good material and more costly than buying thicker stock to begin with.

James Carmichael
12-20-2006, 10:26 AM
I'm just doing my first DT drawers as well for a tool chest, 1/2" thick and resawing 8/4 popular, figuring, as Jim mentioned, 8/4 would give the best bang for the buck (I checked with Hogan and 6/4 was only .02 cheaper).

BTW, this experience has started me saving for a new bandsaw to replace my 14" Ridgid.

Darrin Davis
12-20-2006, 6:16 PM
Buy a Laguna LT16HD. We've got one and it's incredibal.

Tom Jones III
12-21-2006, 9:06 AM
Personally I would use 4/4 stock split in half and use whatever size you get. If I had to put a measurement to it, I use 3/8" for drawers 16" wide and smaller and only use 1/2" for drawers bigger than 16" wide.

Jay Knepper
12-21-2006, 12:11 PM
What Tom said.

We tend to make drawer sides thicker than they need to be. But it all depends on what the intended use for the drawer is.