View Full Version : Gonna secure from here for a while

Wolf Kiessling
11-11-2003, 5:49 PM
Gonna lock up the studio and the house and head for Padre Island for a few days. SWMBO and I are in need for another beach fix. Besides that, maybe I can score some nice driftwood for sculpting. Used up my last piece a couple of months ago.

Thanks to all of you who responded/voted on my Tiger Woman project. I hung that out there in the wind because I've got a couple of shows coming up and I was curious about what kind of a reception I can expect. Due to the response, I'm gonna put the project on hold and work on two other things I've got pending. I'm still gonna do it, just not right now. Probably next year. I now feel I need to do a little more design work on her because I got some advice from someone who knows a whole lot more about this stuff than I do. Also, I started a clay mock-up and that is showing me some real problem areas I need to clear up. This "modernistic" stuff is kind of new to me but I'm enjoying it. I will probably do more in the future. Anyhow, again, thanks, y'all were very helpful and I appreciate it.

Additionally, I got a piece of big leaf maple, that I won at the drawing at Steve Jenkins's bar-b-que, that is crying to be turned. I never handled big leaf maple before so I'm looking forward to that also.

So long 'til next week


Lynn Sonier
11-11-2003, 6:46 PM
Wishing you and your family a lot of fun.
Stop by and pick up my sail car. Padre is a great place to ride it.
I built it from plans a couple of years ago and it is a kick!

Steve Jenkins
11-11-2003, 7:06 PM
Have fun. If you want to get out and stretch feel free to stop by. Steve

Tom Sweeney
11-12-2003, 12:19 AM
It's starting to get a bit chilly up here in PA and a nice warm beach fix would suit me just fine too. Hope you find some great driftwood for carving. & good luck with the Tiger Woman. I did vote - but I didn't care for it & don't have the talent or the eye that guys like you do - so I didn't give any commentary. It's just not my thing - but Hey I've really liked everything else I've seen you do :D

Have a blast!