View Full Version : Wooden bell

Wayne Bitting
12-19-2006, 1:12 AM
My mom is a bell collector and I thought that this would be a nice Christmas gift. The base of the bell is about 3x4” and the handle adds another 4 inches. The base is spalted maple and the handle is maple from a tree limb that hit our house over the summer. Didn’t like the spalted maple at first but I stuck with it and I’m okay with it now. Yes it does ring, but I have to get better string for the “dingleberry”. The inside got a little chewed up (not used to that little amount of room to work inside of) but the outside came out just fine. Sanded to MM3600, Danish oil and buffed.

John Hart
12-19-2006, 6:23 AM
Cool Bell!!! I like bells a lot....and that one is very nice. Just wish I could find a collector to give them to. :)

Ken Fitzgerald
12-19-2006, 8:12 AM
Wayne....that wood on the body of the bell looks like it could have been interesting to turn! Nice job. What did you make the clapper out of?

Corey Hallagan
12-19-2006, 8:28 AM
Very nice! Don't think I have ever seen anyone turn a bell before.


John Timberlake
12-19-2006, 8:29 AM
Very nice. Great gift for a bell collector.

Mark Hulette
12-19-2006, 9:05 AM
Nice work, Wayne!

A bell is definitely on my To Do list. Being married to a teacher kinda makes it a 'have to'.

How thin did you turn the walls of the bell in order to get it to ring?

Thanks for posting :cool:

Steve Schlumpf
12-19-2006, 9:13 AM
Wayne, really nice job on the bell. Great looking wood! Your Mom is going to love the gift!

Bernie Weishapl
12-19-2006, 10:15 AM
That bell is a beauty. Mom is going to like it.

Scott Donley
12-19-2006, 11:11 AM
Looks like a great addition to any collection, Are Moms great or what !

Wayne Bitting
12-19-2006, 12:14 PM
Thanks for all of the complments guys! This was my first try at a bell and I just hollowed it out until I got scared that I was going to break it (some puky areas). The dinger was just some scrap I had laying around. It works and makes an interesting sound (err noise) but I doubt it'll be rung too often. Thanks again!

Keith Burns
12-19-2006, 4:56 PM
Very nice bell Wayne:) I know any Mom would be proud to receive it:) :)

Rusty Smith
12-19-2006, 5:41 PM
What a cool idea and beautiful work. My Ma-in-law collects bells. I'll have to get a chuck and give it a try.


Jim Becker
12-19-2006, 5:49 PM
That's really beautiful, Wayne. I bet your mom will love it!

Dennis Peacock
12-19-2006, 6:20 PM
Very pretty bell.!! Maple is a good "tone" wood as many acoustic instruments are made from maple and such types of woods. Congrats on a bell well made. :cool:

Christopher K. Hartley
12-20-2006, 7:17 AM
Nice work Wayne, I'll bet you could have an interesting orchestra of bells withsome beautiful Christmas music.:)

Bill Turpin
12-20-2006, 11:01 PM
My wife Nettie and I ring handbells in two church choirs. She started turning at a Freedom Pen turnathon on Nov. 11, 2004. She made almost fifty handbell tree ornaments this year for Christmas gifts. The prettiest ones were ambrosia maple with various handle woods. She doesn't think that she turns very good. I think they are wonderful! :)

Bill in WNC mountains