View Full Version : Another Lathe Possibility

Christopher K. Hartley
12-18-2006, 10:08 AM
Anyone know someone who has one of these or know something about them? Serious SL2536 Lathe http://www.seriouslathe.com/index.htm
It appears to be in the same Ball Park.:confused:

David Fried
12-18-2006, 10:12 AM
Don't know anthing about thier lathes but I bookmarked the page a long time ago hoping to pickup a few of thier scrapers!

The 3" roughing gouge was a certain appeal too.

Jim Becker
12-18-2006, 10:21 AM
Interesting...I thought that Serious stopped producing machines awhile back. Maybe I was mistaken...

Here's a link to the Robust that I mentioned in the previous thread: http://www.turnrobust.com/Robust/Lathes.htm


And to Stubby: http://www.stubbylatheusa.com./cgi-bin/index.py


Andy Hoyt
12-18-2006, 10:26 AM
SL is relatively new. I have read (but cannot locate) some positive reviews.

As Jim says - I also recall reading/hearing that they were having some start-up organizational issues and may not survive the process. And I cannot locate the source of that either - sorry.

Call 'em up, but tread carefully.

Jim Becker
12-18-2006, 10:28 AM
Andy, Serious has been around a long time...they were in business back when I was first looking at, umm...more substantial...lathes. But as you say, not much action that I've seen including nary a review that has passed by my eyes.

Andy Hoyt
12-18-2006, 10:33 AM
I stand corrected. Maybe I'm thinking of another outfit. But which one?

Dang it. I need a Moxie to clear my head.

Reed Gray
12-18-2006, 10:56 AM
Serious Lathes have been around for a while. I believe that they sold to another person within the last couple of years. They are still getting under way, but have put out a few lathes. I know that they want cast Iron in their lathe, and there are no cast iron foundrys here in the US and they had to outsource that. Their lathe was built to compete with the Oneway and the Robust lathes. They do plan to be up in Portland at the AAW Symposium. I haven't seen one of their lathes, but one of the owners has come to our club meetings (Eugene, OR) a few times to talk about their lathes, and to sell tools. They do use A2 steel for their scrapers and gouges also. The lathe looks like a very well built tool, but I haven't had a chance to take it for a test ride yet.
robo hippy

Dennis Peacock
12-18-2006, 11:17 AM
Looks like a nice lathe....but for the money? If I were going to spend that kind of money on a lalthe? I'd go ahead and get the Oneway.

Yea, I know....I had to swallow twice before I even said that I'd buy Mayo over Mustard. BUT....I SURE do LOVE my mustard!!!!

David Fried
12-18-2006, 11:37 AM
Looks like a nice lathe....but for the money? If I were going to spend that kind of money on a lalthe? I'd go ahead and get the Oneway.

Yea, I know....I had to swallow twice before I even said that I'd buy Mayo over Mustard. BUT....I SURE do LOVE my mustard!!!!

Mayo envy followed by denial. Classic. :D

Jim Becker
12-18-2006, 12:02 PM
Looks like a nice lathe....but for the money? If I were going to spend that kind of money on a lalthe? I'd go ahead and get the Oneway.

Turn on it first, Dennis. I'm glad I did when I was making the decision. The OneWay is nice--excellent construction, workmanship and smoothness--but I was terribly uncomfortable on it when hollowing due to the big, bulky, body of their design. The others I evaluated at the time were Poolewood (nice, but at the time too big/long for my shop), the short-bed Vicmark and the Stubby. I ended up with the latter as it felt the most comfortable for the kind of work I do on the lathe.

When making this kind of investment in a premium solution, nothing beats time making it spin so you can be sure it's the right tool for you. (That may require some travel since you don't find one of these custom built machines on every block. Although around here, there are a lot of OneWay machines due to a BWT member who, umm...encourages the sale of them. I suspect it is the same in Andy's neighborhood with Dave L being "local"...

Andy Hoyt
12-18-2006, 12:34 PM
..... I suspect it is the same in Andy's neighborhood with Dave L being "local"... Yup.

It's running right around a third of the club's membership.

And there are two turning schools up here - eighteen 1640s combined at last count.