View Full Version : Last week-end

Claude Arragon
12-18-2006, 1:50 AM
This last week-end was then ending of the 2006 training programs at La Truciolara. Some of the attendees were beginners and they were hoping to turn a little something which might be an acceptable Xmas gift. They were able to turn fruits. Rather than turning the traditional ones I thought it would have been a good idea to turn them as bottle stoppers.

Others were more advanced turners willing to discover some techniques of decentred wood turning. After some exercise they turned a 3 axes facetted base for the body of this owl. The head, a simple sphere mounted on a matrix enabled the turner to turn the eyes.

Karl Laustrup
12-18-2006, 6:09 AM
Those stoppers are really nice. What a novel idea. I like that owl too.

Bravo to the students.


John Hart
12-18-2006, 6:19 AM
Wow...looks like a cool class! Those kind of fundamentals will go a long way into the future. :)

David Fried
12-18-2006, 7:24 AM
Turning fruit is covered in one of my beginniners turning books but I never did it because I couldn't figure out what I would do with turned fruit. The
stoppers are a great idea! I bet it made the class fun too. I have to keep fruit in mind. (Not sure I could pass that class though:eek: )

Claude Arragon
12-18-2006, 1:18 PM
As you say the fundamentals must be learned, but nobody ever said that we could not learn without fun.
I’m sorry I lost the picture. In an advance course I had the participant to carve a woman brest with nice tits and do some vibrations around the areola.
Hum, well, at the beginning I told them we were going to turn two vases on the same board, keeping the rectangular format. As you can imagine, after I demoed how to do it, the wittiest participants modified the vases… it was too obvious!
Yes we had fun, and we even opened a good bottle of champagne to celebrate Xmas and new year a bit in advance.


Bernie Weishapl
12-18-2006, 1:38 PM
Sounds like fun was had by all and learned something along the way. Cool class.