View Full Version : Replacing pads on palm sanders?

Stephen Tashiro
12-17-2006, 12:14 PM
Anyone have directions for replacing the pads on small orbital sanders? And can one get a hard rubber pad for them - in particular, for the current Bosch "palm" type sander?

I really like this type of sander, but I find myself sanding mostly corners and edges of simple carpentry projects. This quickly eats up the soft foam pads that most modern sanders have when I let wood inadvertently punch through the sand paper.

Gary Keedwell
12-17-2006, 12:27 PM
I would say you can get a replacement. I had a PC random orbital sander with the sticky type pad and bought the Hook & loop when it came out. I was wary of the sandpaper falling off the H&L so I srtuggled for a few years with the sandpaper that had glue on one side. What a pain in the ....you know what.

I finally got the H&L and have never looked back. (about 10 years ago)

Gary k.

Peter Elliott
12-17-2006, 1:21 PM

I use this site to get my parts.

I put in Bosch Sander and came up with this model.

Just go to the main webpage, type in your model # and search. The screen is split in half, schematic on left and parts with pricing on right.

Play around, I have repaired many tools with this site. DeWalt palm sander too, rubber pad....

Good luck

ps. Or better yet, copy/paste the part number into Froogle.com and you'll come up with the best price and website. Place out of Maine that was good and fast????

Stephen Tashiro
12-17-2006, 9:51 PM
That's a good site. I'm glad to see they offer pads that are soft,medium and hard.

Bruce Wrenn
12-17-2006, 10:04 PM
For my PC 330 Speed blocks, I just cut a piece from a mouse pad and glue it on wih contact cement. Saves a lot of time getting replacement pad. These only last a couple of years though. I have a set of hollow punchs from HF that make cuttting the holes easy.