View Full Version : picture posting problem

fred woltersdorf
12-17-2006, 8:15 AM
i'm trying to post a picure in a reply post and when i go to upload the attachment i get an error message saying The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.

If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that firefox is permitted to acess the web.

i tried the same thing using IE but same kind of error message.i'm not using a firewall and have been able to upload pictures before.any suggestions? thanks fred

glenn bradley
12-17-2006, 2:53 PM
Fred, Is the source of your pictures your local PC? If your pics are stored on photobucket, Yahoo or some other service you become subject to their controls and settings. If you can access the pics OK try pulling them down to your PC then upload them to SMC. If this works you can delete the local copy if you don't want it.

Aaron Koehl
12-18-2006, 10:28 AM

This can also happen if the attachment you're trying to upload is too large. Try to keep pictures under 100KB.