View Full Version : Pond Archives CD Pre-Orders

Andrew Field
02-26-2003, 11:32 AM
Thought I'd post this over here as well.....

<CENTER><B>Time to Pre-Order your CD's and Mugs</B></CENTER> (http://www.winisp.net/a_field/BadgerPond.html)

I need to get a pretty solid number of mugs and CD's that need to be produced. In order to match the mugs that Wayne produced, I will have to order the expensive mugs with the expensive color process. The mimimum order for this is rather high, so I need a solid commitment on the mugs if they are going to happen.

Last night I whipped together my first website and created a little order page. If you plan on ordering one then please go to the order page and place your pre-order. You can always change your order later (I just can't have everyone cancel on me).

btw, I know the order page is pretty crude, but be assured that the CD's won't be. I am getting some professional web development help on the CD's (part of the costs).

Also, I plan on posting some design previews in the MSN group and on the CD website within the week. I will be looking for your input on determining the style of some of the pages and navigation. I will be start sending updates to the mailing list and posting updates on the MSN group.
