View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
12-15-2006, 5:27 AM
Friday December 15th, 2006

10 days until Christmas.

This is an early one today. Will be on the road early to take a friend to Rockford, IL airport so he can fly out to Vegas for the winter. He has a winter home there.

I'm hoping to start the install of the Byrd Shelix head on the X-31 tomorrow. That's if I can get back in time to pick it up from the place that is pressing the bearings and pulley on, as well as getting it remounted in the carrier.

This week has been very mild here. Mostly 40's with some rain here and there. Doesn't look like we're going to have a white Christmas. :(

So what's on your agenda for the weekend? Good, bad or ugly, we need to know so we can keep you honest. ;) :D

Have a good one and as always "Be Safe".


Jim Hager
12-15-2006, 7:41 AM
I've got a couple of orders of doors to do so I'll probably work on one of those this weekend and leave the other one go until after Christmas.

The order I will do next is an order of 42 rp hickory doors and about 20 drawer fronts. I've not done a set of hickory doors yet but there is always a first. I''m sitting here waiting on the delivery truck to arrive this morning now. If he don't come before I have to leave for work he'll have to unload the truck himself. I've got 200 bd ft of red oak, and 150 bd ft of hickory on the way along with some plywood.

Ken Salisbury
12-15-2006, 7:41 AM
This and the next 2 weekends will be wonderful for me. My Grandson Clay and his wife Amanda are in for the holidays. We haven't seen them for 1 ½ years. Clay is a military policeman at Ft Greely, Alaska and couldn't make it last Christmas. As a Christmas present I bought 2 round trip tickets for them to come home this year. It was a long trip for them since they had to drive almost 400 miles to Anchorage for the flight, taking a longer route than normal because of avalanche warnings along the normal route from Greely to Anchorage (300 miles). They arrived at 5:30 pm Wednesday (17 hour trip) and will stay until Dec 29th. We have all types of activities planned for them while they are here. Sunday is fishing day and mother nature is going to cooperate since the forcast is for 70° and sunny.

D.McDonnel "Mac"
12-15-2006, 9:06 AM
Hey Ken, Good on you for bringing them home for the Holidays! I have been to Ft. Greely once when we had to some cold weather testing on the M1 tank back in the 1980s. It was only the begining of november and it was already COLD COLD COLD! Enjoy the time!


Jim Becker
12-15-2006, 9:24 AM
With any luck, I'll finish up the cherry vanity project and move on to the mirror and/or some subtle shop modifications to accomodate a potential future tool gloat... ;) (Potential...not confirmed...) Outside of that, it will be the same normal rat-race that weekends bring...Alesya's dance class is having a party/demonstration, so that's a whole family attend event this weekend, too.

Al Willits
12-15-2006, 9:30 AM
Life has pretty much ceased for one of the internal hard drives on my comp at home, so I'll be ordering an external HD, and hopefully can get the HD to run long enough to transfer to the extrenal HD, then reformat the comp and run it with only one HD....not neessarly that hard, just takes time.
Other than that, I'll be playing in the garage and finally starting on the sideboard for the wife....hopefully anyway.


Dan Forman
12-15-2006, 2:41 PM
Hope to finish up my overhead blade guard system for dust collection. After that, it's a few Christmas gifts, cutting boards and a book rack, maybe a box or two if I have time. Not all over the weekend though.


John Miliunas
12-15-2006, 2:56 PM
Work tonight at WC then the weekend is all mine! :) Going to try and finish up a couple mini Christmas presents, hopefully clean the shop a bit (again :rolleyes: ) and get some serious workout time with the weights. Been itchin' to try a couple new routines out.:) Oh yeah...And finally get the Christmas tree up! :D Hope everyone has a super weekend! :) :cool:

Larry Fox
12-15-2006, 4:08 PM
Hope to squeeze in a little finishing work that I have to take advantage of the warm weather we are having. I have a birthday party to go to and other than that - cabinet building / assembly. Getting close to installation step now.

Fred Voorhees
12-15-2006, 5:02 PM
Will probably give it a try to stacking some firewood. The yard has been sort of wet and has prevented me from doing much work out there. Checked today after work and it seemed a bit drier. Will probably be helping the LOML with some final Christmas preparations and will also be doing some last minute shopping for my godchild.

Mark Pruitt
12-15-2006, 5:54 PM
One last chance for me to complete two Christmas gifts on the lathe. The pressure is on. We'll see.

Dave Anderson NH
12-15-2006, 10:35 PM
I'll be shipping the marking sets won in the free stuff drawing by Sparky Paessler and Dave Bonde tomorrow. Then it's off to find some things for the LOML for Christmas. I'm running out of time and she is the only one I haven't gotten anything for yet. Oh, drat drat drat how I hate shopping.

The rest of the weekend will be devoted to shop time working on the tiger maple Queen Anne Handkerchief Table (corner table) which is the last piece of furniture needed to complete the dining room. I'm looking forward to some serious work with hand planes 4 squaring the 13.5" wide planks of maple for the top.

Nancy Laird
12-15-2006, 11:38 PM
Playing with the new toyl - http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=47680 - and making some desk name plates for a customer - maple wedges 10" long and 2" on each side, then lasered with logos and names. Quick project--should be done by Sunday night. Putting up Christmas tree, doing some shopping and getting stuff ready to ship, and doing Christmas cards. Business winding down as we get near THE day.

Happy weekend, everyone.
