View Full Version : Help Me Identify This Table

Matt Moore
12-14-2006, 9:12 PM
I have had this table for about 10 years. It was given to my wife and I as a wedding present and was used at the time. It is very unique in that the chairs have 3 legs and the chair backs match to the skirt of the table. My family has outgrown it and the 3 legged chairs have fallen way too many times on my toddler kids so we are getting rid of it.

I would like to know how to describe it best so that i can get the most out of it.

It is solid wood and does need to be refinished but is in repairable condition. One of the legs on one of the chairs is split and was repaired with glue and screw to hold it together.

It does have a leaf and the foldable protective cover (not sure what that is called).

What age would you put on it.
What style would you describe it.
What would you ask for it.


Tom Pritchard
12-14-2006, 9:25 PM
Matt, let me start out by saying that I have NO experience pricing and selling items like this, however I do think you have a very unique item here! I can honestly say that I have never come across a table that looks like this, and it may have more value than you think. I would suggest you see if you can find a reputable antique appraiser and at least have them take a look at it. Is there a label or stamp under the table and/or chairs with a name on it?

Cliff Rohrabacher
12-14-2006, 9:31 PM
I'd call the style art deco
The age? Hmmm 1960's ish?
If you like it don't sell it.
If you sell it ask for a boat-load and see if you get any takers.

Jeffrey Makiel
12-14-2006, 9:38 PM
I'd say 1960-ish also. But I would classify it as contemporary. Art Deco was more 1920-1940 and would not have as much curves and tapers.

What may help me identify it better would be another picture of the table with a nice juicy Philly cheesesteak sitting on it. Uh....never mind. I digress

-Jeff :)

Matt Moore
12-14-2006, 10:41 PM
I have looked all over it and only found one stamp "Yugoslavia". There is an other round symbol next to it but I can't make it out.

Bruce Page
12-14-2006, 10:47 PM
Matt, I second Tom's suggestion of getting it appraised. It could be worth much more (or less) than you think.

Matt Moore
12-14-2006, 11:43 PM
Yeh, I have been doing some searching.

Found one site selling 4 almost idential chairs for $2100.

Found another site with a picture of a very similar set of table and chairs that was designed in '52 by what appears to be a well known Danish designer.