View Full Version : Woodcraft Tent Sale and Gloat

Dave Crabbs
11-08-2003, 11:25 AM
Hi All,
Just wondering if any of you went to the Woodcraft Tent Sale? I went to the one in Strongsville (suburb of Cleveland). I got there around 9:00am yesterday there was a good crowd then. I miss out on the Jorgenson Cabinet Master clamps (sold out in the first 15mins. must of been a real clamp frenzy :p ) but, I did buy a Kreg Pro Pack pocket hole jig and a pocket hole screw kit :D . I was going to stick around for the Kreg demo but I wanted get home to try out my new toy (oops tool). Let me say this thing rocks. So, did anyone else go to the Woodcraft shows and if so what did you bring home???


Joe Tonich
11-08-2003, 12:26 PM

I wish I could have met you there. I met a guy from WoodNet (unfortunately I can't remember his "Handle". Too many #'s with letters in between. Thats why I like real names for members.). I was the big guy standing in line. Was there at 5:00am (2nd in line behind a guy from Orville) and picked up 4 clamps of each size. :D Now the orange outnumbers the red. I looked around for a little while and left around 9:30. That store has really changed in the last year for the better. :) The attitudes are a lot better and it seems more friendly now. Anyone out there that I also missed seeing??
