View Full Version : Corner Cupboard FINISHED !!

Jack Dickey
12-11-2006, 8:23 PM
Finally , and SWMBO is actually happy with it .. Bottom was supposed to be closed with a door , and bottom two shelves behind it .. After a bit of professional overrun with the hand plane , had to rethink it and left the bottom open .. Left one shelf out to give her a deep area to put junk ..

Jude Tuliszewski
12-11-2006, 8:31 PM
Nice work, looks great. I like the way you tapered from big to smaller as it gose up, makes you want to follow it to the top instead of just looking at the lower shelves.

glenn bradley
12-11-2006, 8:38 PM
Open is good. Of course from your post I imagine it's not quite so open anymore. Very nice work!

Jack Dickey
12-11-2006, 8:41 PM
Glenn we just brought in in a few minits ago , give her fifteen minits and it'll be filled up ..

Jim Becker
12-11-2006, 9:19 PM
You, of course, didn't describe the precious items she will be storing in it with quite the "color" that you did here, I hope...if so, I hope the shop is heated and you have enough wood chips available to make a comfy sleeping place!! LOL!

(Nice job)