View Full Version : What started it

Bert Barnes
12-11-2006, 9:30 AM
I posted pic's of my shop a few weeks ago. Sorry for the delay on some of the questions. Work is getting in the way.

Well, I have only called it a shop for two years. I actually moved in three years ago. Late life marriage. The wife received some hand made ceramic tiles from her girlfriends as wedding shower gifts. She knew I used to like to do woodworking. So she says. Why don’t you make me a table for the tiles to go on our patio. The beginning. I said well I will need a few tools. Table saw, jointer and planner. Built the table. She really like it said that is not going on the patio. It is going in the house. That did it and I was in full acquisition mode. You know, went a bit nuts. She says at least she knows where I am. It is great to have an understanding wife.

Yes that is a new bench going together over the old 2x4 thing. I am learning some new stuff and re-learning some old stuff. Thanks for the tip on the camera. I need to read the manual. Huuuuuh, read a manual?

I try to keep it clean because I have to vacuum the whole house when I track it in. Well a little understanding only goes so far.

Here are a few pic's of the bench (almost finished) and the table that started it all.

Thanks for looking and if any comments. Please feel free

Chuck Wood
12-11-2006, 9:41 AM

Very nice table!!! But watch out! Here comes the list of things TLOYL will be wanting next!:D

Kristian Wild
12-11-2006, 10:16 AM
Be careful Bert, If she notices that the pieces that you make for the shop are nicer than the ones you make for the house you're in trouble!!! Both look really nice. I'm still wishing for a home shop. My wife seems to think that a nursury takes priority:rolleyes:...

Welcome to the 'Creek too, I don't think I got the chance to say so with your original post.


Jim Becker
12-11-2006, 10:40 AM
Bench and table are both great! Thanks for sharing!

Andrew Shaber
12-11-2006, 10:56 AM
Be careful Bert, If she notices that the pieces that you make for the shop are nicer than the ones you make for the house you're in trouble!!! Both look really nice. I'm still wishing for a home shop. My wife seems to think that a nursury takes priority:rolleyes:...

Welcome to the 'Creek too, I don't think I got the chance to say so with your original post.

KrisA nursury is a perfect excuse to need a shop to build stuff. I made baseboard and door mouldings and repurposed the old baseboard mouldings to chair rail. couldn't have done it without my shop.

For me, I loved it when Dad worked in the shop. One of my earliest memories with power tools was waking up on cubscout morining and couldn't find my neckerchief slide. I went to the shop, climbed on Dad's tablesaw to get the switch key, turned it on and cut a 2"x2" square, drilled a hole and chamfered the edges with a drill sanding disk. Mom still cringes when I mention that. I think I was 8 or 9.

Al Willits
12-11-2006, 10:57 AM
Bench looks pretty nice, but its the table I have my eye on, I'm gonna be building a TV stand simliar to that and I like the tile insert, I have several 12x12" granite slabs left over from the wife quest to find the perfect counter top, and they might look good as a inlay...thanks for the idea.

Nice looking table like that is gonna means more honeydo's...and that means more tools...:D


John Bailey
12-11-2006, 11:53 AM
Nice work Bert, and nice story. Welcome to the Creek.
