View Full Version : Nativity Shadowbox - "quick" Christmas presents

Jim W. White
12-10-2006, 6:02 PM
Hi folks,

I finally finished the Christmas presents that need to be sent back East this weekend to family. The homemade gifts are never anything that involved, but they seem to like them a lot more than the gift cards?! :) This year I did some reproductions of a shadowbox nativity scene that some friends graciously gave us last year. I used up a bunch of my hardwood scraps on these; I think having the characters out of different woods came out kind of neat. The frames are made out of black walnut. 7 sets definately was a stretch for my limited scroll saw skills though!!:p

Thanks for looking,

Jim in Idaho




Martin Shupe
12-10-2006, 6:23 PM
Wow! Very nice. Did you do this from plans? or make it up yourself? If plans, I'd like to know where to get some.

Jim W. White
12-11-2006, 8:34 AM
Thanks or the kind words Martin. I am going to be out of town on business until Thurs, but when I get back I'll try to throw you together something next weekend in a PM. If I photocopy the scroll saw peices, they make great templates. This is how we originally copied the first one.

Jim in Idaho

Rick Gibson
12-11-2006, 8:49 AM
Nice project Jim. I'll keep that in mind for next year, have a bunch of friends that would appreciate one of those.

Tom Cooney
12-11-2006, 12:03 PM
The simplicity adds to the beauty. I'd love to get a copy of the scrollsaw plans as well. I now know what to make for my mother!

Mark Patoka
12-11-2006, 12:49 PM
Very nice indeed. I've got a pile of scraps that these would be perfect on. I'd like a copy of the template also if possible.

Martin Shupe
12-11-2006, 12:57 PM
Thanks or the kind words Martin. I am going to be out of town on business until Thurs, but when I get back I'll try to throw you together something next weekend in a PM. If I photocopy the scroll saw peices, they make great templates. This is how we originally copied the first one.

Jim in Idaho

Great, Jim, and thanks a bunch!

Syd Lorandeau
12-11-2006, 1:08 PM
Hi Jim,
See what you got yourself into, if possible I would love a set of plans also.
Merry Christmas,

John Schreiber
12-11-2006, 1:12 PM
Very nice. I'm sure the recipients will love them. It's also a great display of wood types.

Rennie Heuer
12-11-2006, 5:16 PM
Hi folks,

I finally finished the Christmas presents that need to be sent back East this weekend to family.
Jim in Idaho.

Hello Jim!

Nice work - Please don't let my relatives 'back east' find out or they'll want some too!:D

I like the different woods for each figure - really impressive.

Rennie in Idaho

Jerry Strojny
12-11-2006, 6:07 PM

Very cool. Simple, but very meaningful.

Sounds like this would be a great canidate for the project plans section here at the creek. If you post it there, then we don't have to keep buggin' you for the plans.:D

John M. Cioffi
12-11-2006, 6:51 PM
Beautiful project,Jim. I sent you a PM with a suggestion.
Thanks for sharing.

John Meyer
12-14-2006, 12:43 PM
Just saw your beautiful work. Since my wife likes to collect nativity sets, I would love to be able to make one like this for her. Any chance of getting a copy of the plans.


Peter Kuhlman
12-14-2006, 12:57 PM
Oh heck - count me in too!!!! This is a great idea and VERY nicely done. We really ought to have some way to share these type ideas and plans in a common area.

Adam Bauer
12-14-2006, 2:47 PM
Count me in too, that is a beautiful set and I know a couple of people that would love to have one.

Joseph N. Myers
12-14-2006, 2:55 PM

Maybe the following info will same you some zeroxing:

The original plans come from Meisel Hardware Specialties, www.meiselwoodhobby.com (http://www.meiselwoodhobby.com), "Shadow Box Nativity Plan", item # w1392, $11.99.

I made my first one some 10 years ago and they have always made a big hit, wheither it be a present or something I sold. Plans were to size and very good (don't remember any errors in them, quite unusual for those type plans).

One thing that many of the people do is to leave the shadow box up all year round replacing the Christmas stuff with other stuff during the year. Something like a "box for all seasons".

Regards, Joe

Jim W. White
12-17-2006, 1:08 AM

Thanks for all the kind reviews!

I've posted some PDF files in the plans section which should work as good scroll saw templates if you print them full size on 8.5" x 11" paper.


If you guys haven't discovered it already, I've had really good luck with a prodcut from 3M referred to as re-positionable glue stick. I find it at Staples, and I find it much easier to use than the spray-on adhesive when scroll sawing.

Jim in Idaho

3M Scotch® Restickable Glue Stick, .20 oz