View Full Version : Large Jarrah Burl bowl, your input appreciated

Joash Boyton
12-07-2006, 9:10 AM
Here is a large Jarrah Burl, I have finished the outside, it is sanded to 1000G. I am quite happy with it, because if you look, it has zero scratch marks;) :cool::D It is around 12"x6" I have not put any finish on it. I am wandering what the best finish to use would be. It is a burl, and has heaps of bark inclusions, and burl holes.....you know what they are like.

Questions are, what finish would be the best, and what thickness would look best? Use the poll. Should I burn the rim? It is green, but I like burls when they are left to warp etc: So do the trendy galleries in Perth.

If you have any good ideas, that would be great, and appreciated:)



Mark Pruitt
12-07-2006, 10:32 AM
I would definitely not burn the rim. That piece is too capable of speaking for itself without the embellishment of a burnt rim. I would, though, make the rim a bit thinner. My two cents.

Reed Gray
12-07-2006, 11:54 AM
I like the oil finishes. Personally, I use Deftoil, which is a Danish type with some urethane in it. Slop it on, let it absorb, then repeat. If you do it while on the lathe, I sometimes spin it fast to throw out some of the stuff that hides in the cracks then bleeds out over night to leave a mess that has to be buffed off. You can also use the air hose to blow out all the excess oil in all the voids. I agree that I love the way burl moves as it drys. There is no end to the people who will ask you 'how did you carve it out that way?'.
robo hippy

Ron Sardo
12-07-2006, 2:44 PM
Questions are, what finish would be the best, and what thickness would look best?

It all depends on what market you are going after

Joash Boyton
12-07-2006, 5:10 PM
Hi, thanks for the suggestions, I will see what I can do. I may just go ahead and use my normal finish, Shellawax. I'll keep you guys posted, I may turn it really thin, but I may leave it at a normal thickness. I want it to dry out, and warp and twist, but some people may not like that.....

Let you know:)


Joash Boyton
12-09-2006, 7:05 AM
Hi, I have just finished the outside of the bowl. I finished it with shellawax cream,it come up good, considering it was cream, there is no wax residue left.

I hollowed the inside out, to a thickness of 4mm. There are a few holes in the side, where a large knot come out, and also a few places where the natural edge is thinner, and it has gone through....get what I mean? I have sanded the holes, to create a smooth finish.

Anyway, I need some help, for some reason, I cannot sand this piece, I have sanded pieces full of inclusions and holes, and splits, but this one I can't, it keep s catching it, and hurling my hand into the side (4 scars to prove it) I sanded it at 500 RPM, does anyone have any ideas of how I can finish the inside?


Joash Boyton
12-09-2006, 11:23 PM
Would a bowl sander work on this do you think? I would like to try anything, and then as a last option, resort to stationary snading:)

All help will be appreciated,


Travis Stinson
12-09-2006, 11:41 PM
Since you still have the tenon on it, I'd chuck it back up and power sand on the lathe........low rpm.

Joash Boyton
12-10-2006, 12:32 AM
Ok, that's a great idea, I'll try it this afternoon, thanks,
