View Full Version : window rails and stiles

Marv Arnold
11-06-2003, 5:29 PM
Being new to rails and stiles, I am having trouble visualizing how the end copes match up with the stiles so that I know what depth to cut them. I have a MLCS window sash bit in which I plan to make a storm window. Help in figuring how to figure the length of the rail would also be helpful.

11-08-2003, 11:39 PM
Being new to rails and stiles, I am having trouble visualizing how the end copes match up with the stiles so that I know what depth to cut them. I have a MLCS window sash bit in which I plan to make a storm window. Help in figuring how to figure the length of the rail would also be helpful.

Hi Marv. Don't really understand the question your asking about the end cope match with your stiles. What size is your bit? What is the thickness of your matirail? Is it 2/4, 3/4, or 4/4? As far as the length of you rail is concernt, that one is simple. Make a profile cut on a scrap piece of wood and measure the profile. Take a measurement of what the finished product should be. Take the total width of that and subtract the width of one stile times two. This will give you the length of your rails without the profile. Now, after you know the width of your profile from the srape piece mentiond above, take that, double it and add that to your rail length. This will give you the length of your rail before your profile it. Hope this helps

Marv Arnold
11-16-2003, 11:10 AM
Hi Marv. Don't really understand the question your asking about the end cope match with your stiles. What size is your bit? What is the thickness of your matirail? Is it 2/4, 3/4, or 4/4? As far as the length of you rail is concernt, that one is simple. Make a profile cut on a scrap piece of wood and measure the profile. Take a measurement of what the finished product should be. Take the total width of that and subtract the width of one stile times two. This will give you the length of your rails without the profile. Now, after you know the width of your profile from the srape piece mentiond above, take that, double it and add that to your rail length. This will give you the length of your rail before your profile it. Hope this helps

Thanks for the help. I'll give it a try.


Carl Eyman
11-16-2003, 11:34 AM

I'll be really interested in how your window turns out. I made glass doors for a china cabinet with the MLS set. While they came out ok, I wan't too pleased with overall strength of the doors. at the intersection of the mutins (hope my term is ok) one depends on a glue joint without tenon. I reinforced it with a brad shot in with a nail gun. To add a little more strength I set the panes in with silicon glue so the glass would add to the strength. If I were making storm windows, I would consider using Lexan panes to add that much more strength.

Just a bunch of random thoughts that I hope help more than hinder. Please post a follow up when done.

Marv Arnold
11-19-2003, 8:01 AM
I plan on reinforcing corners w/ dowels or bisquits and will have mutins (cross pattern). The window is quite large and strength is definitely an issue. Thanks for the tips. Much appreciated.
